There are also benevolent beings willing to help people as we wake up. The angels cannot violate free will so people must give permission to receive help. Prayer is a way to ask for help. More and more scientists are proving the existence of extra-dimensional realms and CERN scientists are very aware of intelligent denizens in other planes of existence.
Humans, made in the image of the Creator, have been given dominion over the angelic and elemental realms. There is always hope although times may seem very dark right now.
This has been going on for centuries. Millions of people had and have been praying and waiting for help.
The ELITE would have us pray till HELL FREEZES OVER.
WE must act NOW.
The Elite know there is no Savior coming and count on the people to keep waiting for benevolent beings to come save the day.
We must WAKE-UP and fight for what is right and bring Peace and Joy to OUR WORLD!!!
WE are the FORCE for CHANGE.
I agree. I don't think there is anything wrong with prayer but what most people do is pray which makes them feel better and then they take no action. The elite know this.
That i can agree with.
praying selflessly is key, otherwise the universe wont bother
the 2nd coming is really mind control to subdue people
I think you're missing the point with your low-vibrational fear mongering. It is precisely the interaction/telepathy/prayer that anchors higher-dimensional power of the subtle dimensions. People with faith in the Son of God have more protection and power than entire armies. Yes God allows some servants to be killed, however, the brave act of loving your enemies is the example set by God and is the reason His Son has dominion over all of Heaven and Earth
God does not care about anybody dying but his natural laws teaching that love is all there is. And many may die because of that
This piece equipped my visions