That's cops everywhere (of course there are good, even great, cops everywhere alongside these turds). The job is attractive to bullies. Try to always record interactions with those butt-holes.
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That's cops everywhere (of course there are good, even great, cops everywhere alongside these turds). The job is attractive to bullies. Try to always record interactions with those butt-holes.
Lucky me, I don't have much experience with such situations. But after today's weird encounter I've started to study the law. The next time, I'll be perfectly prepared. On my island the traffic police has to fulfill a minimum of complaints which means that they work under high financial pressure. If they stop somebody, they need to press charges against that person in any case - otherwise they're not efficient. That my sound weird, but it's the truth. So that guy tried to let me pay for something I didn't commit - just to comply with statistics.
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