Yesterday in Spain, before a soccer cup's final between Barcelona and Sevilla, people were searched at the entrance by police and military officials who were looking for yellow globes - a harmless sign of protest from the Catalans - against the government and the self-proclaimed king that nobody voted for.
Singers and tweet users have been put in jail. Even asking for public consultation has been considered an act of crime like the childish yellow globes.
On the other side, politicians praying for democracy have been caught in corruption endeavors and some of them still remain in their public positions.
it's all a cake of hypocrisy serving through media and other channels to feed the circus while freedom is sliced or even controlled like some rulers do with their own people.
There have been references of these kinds of oppression in books and in some complex movies. One film in particular which reflexes on the figure of Guy Fawkes ponders about this premise:
People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.
If this simple idea could linger enough in people's minds, we will have different world today.