Hi sorry a bit off topic I came across your comment on this post
And was reading through your posts but didnt see anything related to the theory of previous civilisations living on earth its not the first time I heard about ( as a child I remember I used to think that, sorry I'm not acousing you of infantile theories here) but nether was able to find any sensible litrature sharing or expressing that as a possibility.
Until a few years ago when I came across an article about the city of derinkuyu which was then described as of unknown origin impposible to carbon date as was carved out of rock so the dating would give the age of the mountain itself ... anyway I spent a bit of time reaserching one of the theories I came across was that it was from a previous ice age not quite in line with the mainstream idea of human history. I checked back after reading your comment and suddenly its easily accesible information who built it when what it was used for blah blah a lot of that in strong contradiction to near everything I previously read about it from size when it was discovered materials used supposed time of creation.
I do believe a lot of what we are told/made to believe theese days is whats convenient for somebody out there or simplified or worse.
Was just wandering if you could put me onto some sensible theories on the topic of previous civilisations on earth you mentioned in that comment.
As said earlier ive read throught a few of your post's and based on the variation of topics and readiness to question what others take for certain simply because thats what is the current general opinion ( I realy dont like dogmatism) u seem like a fellow truthseeker with an unpoisened mind.thanks
No problem with the off topic. When it is over 7 days old, it is completely forgotten by steemit.
I can give no, nice, all in one package guide to ancient civilizations.
What started it all for me is a paperback, which i will probably never see again, which was about an alternative theory about the ice age. It showed evidence that was all over that didn't support the "official story".
And then it was a few pieces in Carlos Casteneda's books.
He deals with people that are thousands of years old a few times. And they tell a much different story of our past.
Then you have stuff that was preserved in Tibet. Read the Bhagavad Gita until you realize that it is a spiritual text and not at all about war. Then go talk to some Buddhist monks and ask about origin stories.
Then put it all together with what you remember from your past lives, and there you go.
One piece to point out is that there was more than one "Atlantis". The story of the sinking island was played out again and again. Started because Lumeria, the continent sunk until only its top mountains still stick out above the water. These are the islands of hawaii. But, the trauma of losing our original home, recycled itself in our later civilizations.
The other piece is that Atlantis, and all the other were destroyed, not because of some catastrophe, but because mankind came to a point where the rich and the poor were so far apart, and the evil was too great. In Atlantis, thanks to the regeneration chambers, the elite lived for hundreds of years, and the surfs tens.
The powers that shouldn't be want to keep the world in this stupid idea that we are the most advanced, and that there is no creator. It is the entirety of scientism. No god, and the hubris to think we are at the top. However, all of our science is wrong.
If you believe in the aether, as Nikola Tesla did, then everything after Michelson-Morley, that was built on top of the "fact" that the aether doesn't exist has to be thrown out. And it all needs to be thrown out. You see, free energy is easy, but if you have the wrong understanding of electricity you will never find it. And if you do, you will never understand it.
The Smithsonian is an ancient organization to take in all the relics and hide or destroy them.