Lots of good info in here for people to digest. I'm going to watch the two videos when I can. Also, thanks for the heads up on who to follow. I'm already following most of them and there were a couple of new ones in there.
I never thought of the deep state in this way before - I saw it as the connected organisations behind the scenes in American politics, with a long term goal of a weird kind of socialist dictatorship - all while convincing people that they are free. Of course, it makes sense that it's connected to otherworldly entities and dark energies as well. Of course, I am aware of these forces, I just hadn't made that connection in my head.
I totally agree that the way to create worldwide true freedom is that people wake up to their own creative power and realise that they are able to make the change by the cumulative effect of their tiny (and massive) actions - once they have realised internal freedom from the collective mind control of course.
It is my intention to do a series of videos showing people some ways that they can break the connection between their behaviours, emotional responses and the B.S. that they've been subjected to all of their lives (B.S. is belief systems of course!) I'm hoping to put the first one on DTube tomorrow.
I'm so happy to be involved in this platform now. To me, it feels like a manifestation of the raising consciousness that still fits in with our 3D perceptions of the world. People come here curiously and with the hope of making some money, yet what they get out of it is so much more.
Word brother, thanks for sharing your wisdom. I agree that it's all about mustering the energy in the present moment to get out of the heavily conditioned and reactionary web that has been cast over our perception. life is actually very simple and this planet can be a very happy and abundant place for all if we just had that "piercing moment" collectively. And it can only be done on individual level first, our own inner saddhana!