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RE: Genocide in Arizona; Geronimo - Forgotten Freedom Fighters

in #freedom7 years ago

You come back with a sad story, "The Trail of the Tears" really makes me sad. Because there was told the story of the slaughter of the indigenous "Apache" by the immigrants.

A lot of these stories are told in the movies, and the story is still touching on the deep side of humanity.

Autobiography Geronime is a book that must be disseminated, because there is the history of the indigenous tribe "Apache" which the government tried to taint.

Though it's history of the past, but the truth of Apache history must be broadcast. I strongly support all your efforts in free speech and fight for the rights of the state without intimidation.

Continue to attempted @adamkokesh, we always support you.

Thank you @adamkokesh for sharing many good story in steemit