Never Underestimate Yourself. True Knowledge is Wealth

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


And never limit yourself as well. There is not a single Boundary you can't cross if you realize how everything depends on YOU.

Yeah, you heard me right. YOU. You are one & only, sole Creator of your Reality & no one ever at any point of Time can tell you what you can achieve and what you can't achieve.

So act in that Way. Take control of your Life, otherwise it will take control of you. Why would you let the Quality of your Life depend on anything else rather than you?

It makes no sense. First Step towards anything is vibrating on the desired Frequency.

For Instance, if you wish to achieve Prosperity & yet somehow you can't seem to find the right Way, try changing your Thoughts.

Every single successful Person knows, success comes from a Bliss state when you Vibrate on high Frequency & everything seems to go right for you.

In order to get there, you must take good care of yourself. Wealth is a Mindset. Energy exchange is real, and if you don't acknowledge it - it will consume the shit out of you while you won't even notice it.

Pay attention, who are the People that surround you? What kind of Events do you gift your Time to? What are your Hobbies?

Watching TV for example won't contribute to your Wealthy Mindset. Word Television actually comes from Tell-Lie-Vision & it basically is about keeping you hypnotized & occupied, so you can't embrace the Things that truly matter. Just 10 Seconds of watching TV puts you in a hypnotized state, now count millions of People gifting it Hours of their precious Time every single Day.

Do you think they have a high Chance of succeeding in Life? Understanding their true Power? No they don't.

In order to reach that Level, you have to understand every single Thing that is consuming your most valuable Asset - Time, while giving you nothing in Return. Believe me, there is plenty of Things like that.

So, instead of reaching for Technology first Moment when you find free Time, try doing something exactly contrary. Spend time in the Nature, for example. Listen to the beautiful Sounds of Birds, Wind on your Face... etc.

Many People report revolutionary changes in their Mindset when detoxifying from Technology. They say they hear & see new Things, why not try it out?

Taking good care of yourself is a full Time Job & you'll need to approach it seriously. Educate yourself as much as you can and I mean real Education. Not that Type of Education you get in Educational Systems or through mainstream Media Sources. I'm speaking about real & legitimate truthful Information that has the ability to completely turn around your Life.

Such as: Animal Products are not good for you. You can't synthesize Protein good enough from them, not to mention you are actually eating dead Flesh. An Animal, that once wanted to live but was murdered cold blooded so it can find its Way to your Plate. That kind of Food is not good for your Mindset & it contributes to intensifying Fear inside yourself. Obviously, in that kind of mental Environment it will be hard to find your True Voice & actually chase Things that matters.

Rather opt for Living, organic Foods that have the highest Energetic Value your Body can absorb. After all, every single one of us is a Spark of Divine Energy so it makes sense to consume high Energy Foods? Such as Food from the Source? :P

Obviously, even in this Field there is lot of Misconceptions since GMO Foods are in basically every City. So yeah, that Real Information Part comes in handy again. You have to educate yourself on what real Foods are, in order to take the best possible Care of your very self.

Same is with pretty much anything you can think of. For example, since the Day we were born they convince us how Sun causes Cancer. Not just that, make sure to use lot of Sunscreen in order to avoid it!

Do you see the obvious Lie in this Example or were you programmed too strong? Sun is one of the Healthiest possible things on this Planet & it gives you many essential for Life Nutrients. On the contrary, every single of these mainstream Sunscreens was proven to cause Cancer.

You can research it for yourself. As there are many Studies that have proven it. But obviously, if that Kind of Information would find its Way into mainstream Sphere some Lobbies would lose hefty Profits! So you not gonna see that Side of the Medal any Time soon. At least for some Time.

This Article was not meant to be to debunk you every single Thing that was lied to you. This was more of an example how there are many fake Truths out there in this World & how you need to be really careful when deciding which one you gonna take for granted. Same is with everything else we mentioned here.

So yeah, try not to think outside of the Box, rather realize how Box doesn't exist & the only ones who puts ourselves in the Box are WE. :)

It is high Time for that to stop, so lets start by taking small Steps. Age of Enlightenment is coming while Age of Deception is slowly but safely dying. ;)

We are forming something new here, something beautiful. Lets make sure every single one of us plays a significant Role in forming New Earth. Beautiful Earth that's getting back to its Roots. :)



Hey brother. Thank you for this nice and clear post and your advices.
I think all of us have some restricted thoughts and we should call these into question over and over again. Like you've said, there is much lobbyism out there and rly old believes of things definetly not approved we learnd from granmas and in school etc.

I am happy that you are here and share your thoughts and tips with us!

Sun is one of the Healthiest possible things on this Planet & it gives you many essential for Life Nutrients

I agree getting some sunlight is healthy and recommended, but too much of it can cause severe damage to our skin.

Either way, I agree with the general idea that having proper knowledge is the only way in which we can improve our lives.

Cheers @enjoyinglife!

Knowledge indeed is power, although only if you use it. A lot of people today know what they have to do and they don't like it. People are stuck because they can't grasp this concept which is kind of sad, but the reason for that are the schools themselves- you said it well. We need to learn how to think, learn about human values instead of math and being graded like someone is less worth than another. Great post, keep it up man!