I used to listen to him a lot. I give you props for trying to get him to join your movement for liberty for sure, but I'm pretty sure he's too much a part of the system if you pay close attention to how he carefully steers his listeners to not question some pretty big things now a days. Sad. I guess we all have to pick our battles eh?
Joe won't be on the street standing next to you if it gets ugly, and he's missing out on some pretty important info with regard to how the, how did he say it? Re: the 'mountain people' talking about "all those signals flying around out there aren't good for you" ... something like that? He should get out of LA more because those signals are harming trees at an alarming rate along with the chemtrails... But he would have to be near the trees to actually see that... That is unless he were able to actually see it in his enlightenment quests. Lol. ...Maybe he needs a study to be done by some 'legit' scientist before it's ok for him to think it?
Additionally, at this point, if you are not thinking about growing your own food you probably ought to be, for more reasons than I could list here. I have to wonder if he really believes the things he's saying. He knows too many smart people to be missing so much. SMH
He has a kid right? Yeah that's probably his issue. Once you have a kid they have you by the balls. The kids are fucked either way if people don't stop consenting to the tyranny. Even kids that are born to people like Joe, because the world will be ruined for them if they do make it through. Unless you raise a complete selfish ass hole of a kid, your kid will one day ask you "Why?" they will want to know why you consented. Unless we change the direction of this thing.
It was an interesting interview which I have never seen before! I had no idea that was you in that video in DC! That was crazy! Thank you for sharing this! :)
Kudos for trying!