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RE: Drug War. Fear. Libertarians. #TimesUp

in #freedom7 years ago

As @justusagenstum already pointed out, have you heard of the FDA? They have plenty of control, yet they regularly make terrible decisions when it comes to people's health. It is a racket for corporatism and profit regardless of the damage done to an individual's health.

The government taxes and controls tobacco and alcohol and countless other substances that kill untold amounts of people each year. Go look up prescription drug deaths as another example. Doctors prescribing FDA approved pain killers kill thousands of people a year.

Hows all their control working out?


The FDA does not regulate schedule one drugs, those drugs are prohibited from being regulated. The government taxes and controls tobacco and alcohol and countless other substances that kill smaller and smaller amounts of people each year. Why would you oppose my idea to legalize the natural drugs that are safer and preferable to your "big pharma" synthetics?
Its working pretty great, when was the last time a tablet you bought from a store was cut with baby laxative or an unknown amount of Chinese fentanyl?

So without the government when someone sells you or someone in your family poison, what is your recourse?

You'd bring them before a common law court. They refuse? They lose protection from the same court in the future. It is a system that has already been well thought out before.

I don't oppose natural drugs. All substances are "natural." Nature provides us our medicine as food. I just completely reject the idea of regulation and control over what we decide to consume or not.

It can all be done through private enterprise. There are countless standards and control associations for countless professions. You have them for all other sorts of standards from networking, electronics, electrical, etc. We do not need the government to organize, cooperate, or interact as humans.

"You'd bring them before a common law court. They refuse? They lose protection from the same court in the future. It is a system that has already been well thought out before."
ROFL you hear that Jose? If you sell any more poison the common law court won't protect you!
So who pays for the common law court?

"I don't oppose natural drugs. All substances are "natural." Nature provides us our medicine as food. I just completely reject the idea of regulation and control over what we decide to consume or not."
How can you control what you decide to consume if the products you are sold do not contain what you were told they do? How can you control what you consume if you cannot actually determine what it is?

"It can all be done through private enterprise. There are countless standards and control associations for countless professions. You have them for all other sorts of standards from networking, electronics, electrical, etc. We do not need the government to organize, cooperate, or interact as humans."

Those "standards" are mostly government standards, have you ever been to a country without all the air pollution regulations on fuels and vehicles that we have here?
There will always be a government because there are roles that simply must be filled, nature abhors a vacuum, in the absence of a organized and democratic government despots and gangsters take power. Are you familiar with the concept of a dominant protection agency?

What is your recourse when a family member becomes addicted, or worse yet, dies from a prescription drug approved by the FDA and promoted by Big Pharma? Unless you have the financial resources to stand toe-to-toe with Big Brother, in a justice system corrupt from the highest seat to the lowest bailiff, you stand very little chance of winning a trial case and being awarded compensation, resulting in ZERO closure for the victim/victim's family...however, if a drug dealer off the street sells you poison, and you are fortunate enough to have them charged, you stand a much better chance of winning the case...and although you won't receive compensation, closure will come in the form of a prison sentence.

Quick math comparison; how many employees of the FDA/Big Pharma have been arrested and charged with a felony as a result of fatal overdose from prescription medicines...? Go ahead, I'll wait for you to look up the answer...ZERO! How many street level drug dealers have been arrested and charged with a felony as a result of fatal overdose from the drugs they were peddling? Care to look that answer up...I'll do it for damn many that "privatized" prisons are now a booming industry.

Mass tort, no money needed. I have won several, you don't get any such notices?
Of course you need a government with courts to make that happen. Now, try to sue your illegal drug dealer and tell me how that works out.
Illegal drug dealers are almost never charged with the overdoses their clients have. since you looked that up for me though, what is the exact number?

Right...our prisons are overflowing with the warm bodies of drug dealers who were simply caught in possession of a controlled substance...what the feck was I thinking. I'd love to carry on this conversation further, but I see you already know everything and have NEVER been wrong a single day in your life. I come across enough know-it-alls to realize they are incapable of doing their own research...because then it would destroy the narrative that constantly replays through their minds.

oh, so you were lying about looking that up?