Without the federal government who would force states to recognize their citizens right to bear arms?
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Without the federal government who would force states to recognize their citizens right to bear arms?
That's like saying, without the UN, who would force ...FORCE a nation to recognize their citizens' right to _____________. (fill in the blank). I believe you have it backwards, funBob. The more localized the government, the easier it is for the individual to hold an encroaching government accountable.
I don't see how the UN fits into anything. Your theory explains why LA county has only issued about 300 carry permits.
funBob. This forum does not allow for ample space to deal with this. I'll defer to Adam Kokesh to explain the point. Perhaps you can interview him. I'm done fighting and debating libertarians. Adam and his "localization" concept is 100% accurate. You want to live in a state or nation which has another political body as it's overlord, you just go ahead and enjoy life. But as they say on Shark Tank: "....and for that reason, I'm out."
I live in a city where my local government is the most corrupt of the three.
then do something about it. Stop whining. It's seriously unattractive. Work to get rid of the bastards with ballots, or relocate to another location. In Texas, you can live in UNincorporated areas, and there is so little corruption at the County Commission level because Texas REFUSES to allow them the power of Ordinance. They can't do "Pay for Play".
Whining? Just a simple statement of fact that ruins your premise.
you are whining as you make your statement. Ask your wife... or girlfriend. She'll explain it to you.