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RE: Firearms in the Hands of a Philosopher

in #freedom6 years ago

There are billions of Chinese and Indian people and Europeans who are not having a revolution and don't believe in free speech or the right to bear arms.

"Natural Rights preexist any document or government. "

Nope the idea is a product of the Enlightenment.

Stalin was perfectly in his rights to starve to death millions in Ukraine.
Of course he was, that example is good proof that your natural rights are worthless, all those Ukrainians had natural rights didn't they? What good did that do them?
Did he get in any trouble for it? Did he get arrested?

He should have been punished if violating natural rights mattered, right?


All I can say is that your arguements put you on the same side as tyrants like Stalin, Mao, Polpot, and Hitler. Mine put me in the company of John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry. I hope you are proud of the group that shares your opinion, I certainly am proud of mine. They may not be perfect but they side with life, freedom, and respect for the self ownership of the individual.

That's silly. You don't seem to understand my argument. You seem to have missed the point to come to such a silly conclusion. I guess no internet discussion would be complete without someone proving Godwin's Law.

What I find silly is anyone who has faith in groups of people using force and violence over support of the individual.

My point was only that "natural rights" are a western philosophical concept, they don't exist outside of that context. We are very lucky that the fellows who founded our country were well educated in the philosophy of their day and culture. The vast majority of people on earth are not so lucky, for them instead free speech and the right to bear arms being obvious "natural rights" they are foreign concepts. If they were somehow magical and inherent then you would think they would be universal but sadly that is not so. In many ways the liberties we enjoy in America are an accident of history and a rare one instead of a natural human condition.

The philosophy you are talking about that those founders believed in was the philosophy of John Locke, almost to a person. Locke was the one who talked about natural rights. Might I suggest his 2 treatices on Government. Here is my article on Locke-

I'm very familiar with him.