AK: Every time I see you explain the "Split 50!" prescription to someone, I become further inspired. It's really hard to find a "downside"... and believe me, I have been trying! But the #1 aspect which is the "rocket ship" in all this: DIFFUSING THE "ARGUE" BUTTON WITHIN THE LIBERTARIAN MOVEMENT.
In the socialist/fascist world, you can choose your "50 shades of purple between the red and blue extremes". In Libertavia, you can choose 50 shades of grey between the "black and white". All debate within the LP now has to go to the state and then to the county level. Perfect. Flawless plan.
It will be most interesting to see what transpires in Texas with Patrick Smith carrying your exact banner in the race for Governor. He has 254 counties with which to work. Pick one and stop arguing!