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RE: Americans have given up mental sovereignty

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Imagine a network on Steemit/DTube called "Agora3 TV". Activities from Agora3s all over the world, televised 24/7. ...or some sort of Agora3 / AnarchoForko combo would work. 51 weeks a year. The other week is reserved for Anarchopulco.

Now check out this potential land in southwest TN (Hardin Ranch in Savannah, TN for starters.... Broze and JohnnyVibes could handle the administration, I bet). Check out all of the vids.

Keep in mind, a square mile is 640 acres. These are "private cities" with Anarcho CCRs, just waiting to happen. They win while we whine... and our solutions are right in front of our faces... at the click of your mouse.

People would turn off the tv if they found something better to do. Believe me. Who watches tv when they visit Vegas? hmmmm?