you say: >>>...and establish an enduring civilization based on peace, self-ownership, and nonviolence.<<<
Not to be a wet blanket, but I just can't envision parasites and control freaks ever going away and allowing us any peace, nor any shortage of violence... especially with their counterfeit currency buying Drones, D.E.W and GeoEngineering capabilities.
When the Founders said "eternal vigilance is the price we have to pay for liberty", I think they knew what the heck they were talking about. Freedom is NEVER given... it has to be taken, and maintained (with a will to be violent if need be... What was the gist of that speech by Mr. Henry about "Give me Liberty or Give me Death?).
So man up, you friggin' neoHippies! LOL The big party at Woodstock only lasted 4 days!