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RE: Fearing The Future

in #freedom3 years ago

Doctor said it's a stress thing.

Wow, I would have some choice words for that doctor!

Somehow, I think the action of taking a jab itself, is an act of receiving that control. I don't know, I'm just going to try to live normal from now on.

You're on the money in my opinion. There is a subconscious layer to this which implicates control. Everything is manufactured in a way to cause an unknown fear associated to taking the jab, and threat of being outcast from society is the driver to make people go against their own judgement. So yes I think the action itself certainly has effects that can manifest as physical.

Thanks but no thanks to the media that make things worst. I didn't hear that many people die before the vaccine, but now friends surrounding me dying one after another after the vaccine, and claimed they've been attacked by the virus even before the vaccine. So, that leave me what? Am I being infected already?

If I knew healthy people who died after the 2nd shot, there wouldn't be much to convince me that the jab wasn't the culprit.
There's all kinds of science being pushed to support that there is an actual virus, and maybe your friends really got sick from it, if it exists.. but it's awfully ironic that they didn't die until after the jabs, and that is not arguable as far as I'm concerned, the irony aspect that is.

Now that you have done it, there is no reversing it, so fear of the unknown at this point will only serve to cause your body and mind more damage.

You've changed to some healthier eating habits despite the side effects and have been keeping a positive mental attitude better than many might.

I think you can set an example as a survivor of this madness and will have stories to tell to your grandchildren about when the world was a complete mess.

Thanks for the great feedback and bravery to share your story bro <3


That is such a comprehensive reply you gave me. I really appreciate it. As you said, there's nothing much I can do now other than trying to survive. Life is too short to worry about stuff like this, and the "authority" is allowing it. If we can't fight the enemy? Join them.