
I am imploring you don't "settle" anywhere until you meet Berwick in person. I would love to hear your take on Acapulco, in general. That guy is friggin' MIDAS... and what he is accomplishing with Anarchopulco is mind-boggling. The quality of people he is attracting is indescribable. Have you watched his vids from the interviews he does from the event? And I like that AnarchoForko phenomenon they just started, too. Actually, that has even more potential because it's not locked into solely a speakers' forum.

Check this one out for starters.

How dangerous is Acapulco at the moment? I was thinking of going to Tijuana. But then I heard the drug violence [mostly street dealers getting killed] started to resume again now with murder rates worse than Chicago. Last I heard Acapulco and Cancun are worse, and that they were targeting Americans.
The United States really is too dangerous of a place for people to want to live anymore. The potential for income is great and luls many people, but say anything the powers that be don't like and you'll basically be maimed for life.

I am considering moving to mexico and doing a legal apprenticeship in California. So much about California that I hate (mostly their pro-abortion policies), but they do offer inexpensive alternatives to taking the bar exam.

Acapulco has big issues at the moment. But I suppose it's like going to Chicago crime wise. I don't think it's where I would want to live but I'd like to visit.

What kind of issues are you referring to? I've personally lived here over 2 years as a fugitive with a remarkably good experience.

I believe you. It just seems like it's an area that's getting a lot more of violence lately. What do you think?

Where are you hearing these reports of violence?

Mostly just looking uo the national statistics.