Let me add that you have a misunderstanding about Christianity like the majority of the people in the world.
I can tell that you haven't studied enough about religion to understand that old Christianity or Orthodox/ Eastern Christianity is not the same as Modern Christianity which branches off of Catholic Christianity that caused the split in the Old Christian church which is known as the Great Schism of Christianity.
I suggest you do your own research because if I was to go into a deep discussion about Orthodox Christianity and how they are completely different than modern Christianity then this can go on for months.
Orthodox Christianity also does NOT teach about Dogmas, meaning right and wrong.
After the Great Schism that created the Roman Catholic churches, it was the Roman Catholic priest that ordered the Holy crusades and the Inquisition of the Middle Age. They created the Knights Templars, which is knighting young man on holy missions to save the Holy land which is a complete fake front. The secret mission of the Knights Templars was the raid the Orthodox Christian Churches of sacred artifacts for power and claim them for the Catholic Churches!
Once you actually understand this history it will also reveal to you who actually controls the world and how blind the majority of the people are.