For Lunch We're Having Matrix Punch and Rat Race Pizza

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

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Freedom > Slavery

One of the worst feelings in the world is to be enslaved. In this day and age humanity finds itself constantly bowing down to many things and becoming enslaved in the process. Whether it's money, material possessions, corporations, or other people, you can be enslaved to it. But the sad thing is that many are not even aware that they are enslaved. To go even further, some are being enslaved against there will. Yes, unfortunately this is still a thing. We were made to be free. However we have traded in our dominion and freedom for the rat race and flat screen TVs.

Mankind has relinquished it's dominion and freedom. Tragic but true.

Go down the list of all the things in your life that you spend time doing. Do you feel enslaved to it in any way? Sometimes we go through life without taking inventory of the things that we feel are mastering us instead of the other way around. When we here the word slavery we often think of physical slavery but it is much broader and more invasive than that. 

These objects and things in our minds can literally alter our health in ways that are unimaginable. I've been there. I was being driven by my work so much so to the point that my body collapsed under the pressure. So my point in sharing that is to point out that overwork is a form of slavery but we we normally don't even think of it that way.

My life is much different now though. I have made it my mission to not allow myself to be enslaved to anything. When I wake up I feel excited to go and work on the things I love that I do even if it is time consuming and hard to do. But even through this hard work I still feel freedom like I've never felt from my work before. On top of all of this my wife and I are working towards becoming financially free as well. At this moment I am also free spiritually. This has actually been the case for many years now and all of this amazing freedom I am experiencing feels like a dream.

I started to think of how we become enslaved so I wanted to share some things we should look out for in our lives.

Signs of slavery:

  • You feel like a zombie when you are at work
  • Money rules your life
  • Material possessions are your source of happiness and wholeness
  • You feel like you have to keep up with the rest of the world or else you don't feel secure in who you are
  • Finding truth scares you
  • You are a workaholic ( I have been there and sometimes I fall prey to this lifestyle. Not good Earl!!!!!)
  • Feeling like you have no self control
  • You are not being your authentic self

It is ridiculously tough in this current world we live in to not enslave ourselves to these things. The world was designed by evil forces to enslave us. This is why it is so important for us to fight for control of our freedom. Our work should be a labor of love and enjoyment. We should not feel less than because of the superficial standards society places on us. We have to fight for absolute truth and seek to understand our existence on this Earth. Freedom is sitting at the table waiting to talk to you. Start the conversation right now. Much love.

What are some other signs of slavery?

Are you free? If so, then in what ways are you free?

Does humanity need freedom? If so, what would this look like?

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I am free spiritually, and that is enough for me. I do not feel enslaved to the system anymore. I choose to ignore the trappings of that system in that I do not crave or want materialistic things. All I need and want is enough to be able to live, and that makes life much more simple and enjoyable. Most people make the mistake of chasing the money believing it will bring them happiness by buying things (I did this for 20 years myself). I am now using money to buy me time, so I can retire early with enough resources to live the rest of my life without worry and to ensure my family are taken care of

Amen to that! I feel the same. You are woke. My wife and I want to live like this.

I really hope that happens for you. It's a burden lifted for sure.

yes when you see how wonderful life is without "things", you know you have everything!

Well first of all I like the fact that you acknowledged the fact that some people are slaves to work. Some work and work and work that they don't even have time for themselves and they don't even notice.

Something happened just this evening and so when I saw this topic of yours I smiled. I came back from work tired and famished. I realised over time that power supply comes in the morning around 9am which is when I have left for work and the light goes off when it's 5pm or there about.

I had started a post for Steemit but hadn't gone far and I really do want post it today as I havbt posted in a while. Each time I don't post, I feel like I have money just passing me by.

I was tired but since I felt the light would soon be taken and I needed to put up something, I felt obligated to keep my food aside and type with my laptop. But as soon as I wanted to start , I thought to myself....why shiuld I be very hungry and choose to suffer my body by keeping the food to type. Steemit ain't running away and so even if I don't post today, I can still do that tomorrow or next. After saying these to myself, I dropped the laptop and started eating and as soon as I started, the power supply was taken.

I would have considered myself a slave to steemit if I had really dropped the food and set out to make the post with an empty stomach.

Many people have habbits they have been fighting for years to stop but can't...thats also a form of slavery. I even think that's one form of slavery everyone has because I don't know anyone who would come out boldly to say he has no habbit. @humanearl do you have a habbit youv been trying to fight?

Yes of course. For me I've been fighting working too much. One one hand I'm trying to build income for my family but it's hard to balance. Especially with a family.

This is why I'm behind on comments because I decided just to take a whole day off and plus I got sick.

Freedom is a costly thing, one has to make so many sacrifices to keep intact his/her freedom. The modern ways of living have enslaved in more than one way. We exhaust our freedom and happiness to be able to get happiness and that's quite a paradox.

The modern and easy life style has taken toil on our heart and soul. We spend our precious time by hooking on so many projects which we consider necessary to make a living.

Humanity is definitely not free in the recent times. By adopting simple way of living and living close to nature will do a bit to provide freedom to machine men of our age.

Thank you @humanearl for pointing out the best thing we should care in our lives.

The more we gain all this info the more enslaved we become. I do however prefer a simple way of living. I don;t need many clothes or things at all. In fact lots of stuff annoys me.

I think you said it all the signs of slavery. This is what I feel so sad about this days, majority of man on earth are enslave with the above mention. Sometimes we are unaware that we are slaves of our own action. We keep ourselves busy to the point that were not even happy anymore of the things we do. We should stop, think and listen to our own conscience, if we are ok? are we still doing the right path for a good result.

Being free as a human is like a bird out of its cage. That it can go anywhere and fly freely without any hestitation and doubt. This was so inspiring I feel like i'm one of this enslave individual, hahaha😊Share some pizza!!!!😋

Right on @maane. We simply lose ourselves in these things.

I'm with you @humanearl.

Very good post @humanearl, I really like the words of your article. Because all that can be a very good motivation for the crowd. I agree with your opinion about slavery. Since I see in my country of residence, very many people are enslaved by wealth, money, company and position. They are all willing to do anything to get it all. There are even willing to kill each other, and they are willing to kill his own soudaranya for the money. Money is not everything in this world, but whatever we do needs money, so it all depends on ourselves, how can we not be enslaved by it. Thanks for sharing ... :)

Money is not everything in this world, but whatever we do needs money, so it all depends on ourselves, how can we not be enslaved by it. Thanks for sharing ... :)

A very good question I know @humanearl would love to answer but the question do you get enslaved by money ?knowing how you can get enslaved by money would give you an insight on how you can not be eslaved my money.

From you comment you said many can do anything to get money and can even kill to get money. So the question again is...Can you do absolutely anything to get money ? If yes then you are enslaved. Can you kill to get money ? If yes then you are enslaved.

@reynakarina Sounds like the U.S. Money is a god to many

@sistem Money is a tool and can be used for many great things. However loving it to the point where it rules your life and your thoughts is very dangerous. The extreme would be killing and stealing for it

Freedom changes from person to person. It is why people cannot answer the question of what freedom is. To understand whether you are free, ask yourself that are you happy? Or, what makes you happy? For instance, some people feel more free when they are social, known or have fun with others. However, this situation can be a jail for another one, since s/he loves loneliness. All, philosophers tried to find the fixed freedom for everyone and society, but they mentioned different aspects from each other and could not be agree on a fixed definition. So, answer of your question is hidden in yourself, your heart…

Yes it's different for many. That why I allowed people to share what they feel they are free from. The only way fixed freedom will work is if it ultimately satisfies everyone.

Bro you got a strong feeling and you have the confidence to fight against the enslave! We are are slaves of some other! Actually we had freedom but as humans we become salves of ourselves as well! Anyway I know you can fight against it! From next year onward I will do the same! I am tired by all these bonds and want to have a free mind set!@humanearl,


I will be praying that things go well for you friend.

Does humanity need freedom? If so, what would this look like?

It is crystal clear that we do really need freedom in view of the situation of this system of things, we're faced with critical time hard to deal with; characterized by corruption, disasters(natural & human-caused), pestilences of all kinds(curable and incurable), food shortages in some part of the world, poverty and all kinds of negative traits exhibited by mankind.
Prophecies have declared that all these mentioned are meant to happen & vividly all these are in place.
The question to ask is this: Would the world be ever free of all these mess?
Under divine inspiration a writer penned these words down in a book of great insight:

With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

That prophecy is spot on because that is exactly what will happen. You see mankind is trying to find peace, safety and hope apart from God. It won't happen that way. Only God himself can bring true peace and security to the world since he has all power. I live my life in anticipation of God's coming kingdom.

Everyone has busy to be finished every day, take children to school and pick them up, is not this like slavery ??
But by having a live child will feel free because the heavy workload can be aided by the child ..

Not all slavery is bad since the word could also be used to mean serving others. The kind I was referring to was the kind that controls your life in a negative sense.

For me freedom isn't a luxury, it's a necessity to love life. My goals in life are simple. I want to become the most complete version of myself and becoming mentally, physically and spiritually complete and thus free.

Love that perspective. It is necessary for your sanity. Do you listen to Ralph Smart?

Whether it's money, material possessions, corporations, or other people, you can be enslaved to it.

The worse slave masters are the governments, they do their businesses to increase their own money with our money!

I'm also aiming to be financially free, the first thing i'm doing is investing a large portion of my money into tech of the future, and getting some nice returns so far, especially out of steemit, the other thing i want to do is decrease the amount of money i "waste" nowadays, i want to get a house with some solar pannels, wind turbines, a nice farm, some chickens to get some egg production, etc... so that i won't have to be a slave out of other ppls stuff
Modern slavery is not a white man with a whip whipping black people, modern slavery comes in the form of 1 dollar bills!

The word government means to control the mind. So yes human governments tend to do more to restrict freedom than help.

Slaves to the dollar god. So you want to live off grid?

I either want to live off grid or become the new master by controlling the grid, my plan, even though it sounds a little childish is work hard, become rich, build myself an empire, help the world in any way i can, i want to build myself or at least join companies that are working on such things as pollution, cancer, aids, robotics, space travel, renewable energy, etc...

@humanearl, That's long and interesting discussion. My past days I had to felt I was a slavery man. I worked a company, but not satisfied with them. They tried to controlled me via their power. So I felt I was alone. In fact, I reached and then read positive thinking books. Then I felt I'm a very lucky man around the world. Then I resigned from my old job and I found best freedom job for me and still now I have 07 years experience with current job. So Everything decide our mind and thoughts. If we can control our mindset sure we can find freedom. People need freedom to fully realize their unique potential as human beings. While all people should be granted freedom, the fact is that some are unable to handle the responsibility associated with their freedoms. Economic freedom is the ability to earn what money you can, to spend it as you choose and to own what you buy. It allows you to earn more than the next person.In the perfect capitalistic state, there is no taxation as everyone works hard and gets back what they deserve from their efforts. When people are free to act, they can do things that otherwise might be repressed, including speaking about their beliefs and even taking their own lives. Where there is freedom to act, there also needs to be constraints that give reasonable protection from those whose actions would harm others. Human development is the most important factor of welfare improvement where the freedom is an essential instrument to achieve it.

Good for you! Nowadays there's so many ways of bringing in extra income.

I would agree. Human development is so important and I hate to see this aspect of society left alone.

I admit that I was once enslave even until now (sometimes). Sometimes I feel stressed, because ofcourse of some problems. I overthink of it.. I only just realized right now when I have read your article that that was a sign of slavery.
Somehow when I over stressed myself I keep calm and putting some positive vibes on my mind.

Thank you for sharing this article @humanearl. Stay blessed!😇

I know exactly what that feels like. I have been so stressed before to the point of my stomach hurting . We must take care of ourselves.

I think humanity is enslaved by capitalism,big companies initially lure us with their lucrative products at discounted price,later when we get used to the products they just hike the prices.
Being free seems like a temporary situation in accordance to me,every human being is loaded with lot of responsibilities either by family or society,so there is no permanent freedom.
Personally I like being a control freak,actually I don't think something will change by giving complete freedom or by limiting oneself to some rules.

The big C. Yes it was supposed to make our lives easier which in many cases it has but it has also brought on numerous other problems as well. Especially the global waste problem.

People think differently and are different in many ways. So, people often need to pursue their ideals themselves. A huge hindrance of this is when other people’s ideals are imposed on others. The platform to help us pursue our own happiness without getting in each other’s way is a system that promotes freedom.@humanearl work and smart idea sir...

A system that promotes freedom tends to lead to a prosperous economy. This is because when people have the freedom to do what they want, they are much more likely to work harder and keep doing it.

Not all forms of freedom are good:

Some people take the idea of freedom too far, such as anarchists. The fundamental flaw of such an extreme view is that in a lawless system, it can easily convert into a “survival of the fittest” system.

Consider the idea of freedom from freedom. Technically it is a logical contradiction. But if you think about it, in something like a dictatorship, you are free from having to make decisions. Thinking is such a waste of time, right?

Freedom alone isn’t always worth it:

Consider what was previously mentioned as the purpose of freedom. It helps us pursue our own ideals. But if you are in a system that doesn’t allow freedom and it gives you everything you could ever want, freedom is unnecessary. This is not a realistic scenario though.

In reality, we are always deciding whether to trade freedom for some benefit and vice versa. Just as it is possible to have not enough freedom, it is possible to have too much freedom.

I agree with what you said about anarchist. They tend to think that humans will always act benevolent towards one another. Maybe 90% would but there's always some who have no regard for human life.

I do not think that I'm completely free. Many people have certain dependencies. Some people are addicted to circumstances. Some people are addicted to other people. Some people are addicted to alcohol and other substances. There are few people in the world who are truly independent.
The system creates slaves from people. People are slaves of the system in which they live. For example, we are taught that we must learn. After studying, we must find a good job. All. All life passes by the pattern. It's good? This is a good question and there is no unambiguous answer to it. Everyone thinks in their own way. We must fight for freedom.
I like your thoughts.
Modern technology and the development of the digital economy allows people to earn money without leaving home. That is, you can be anywhere in the world and earn money. This is in my freedom. In our time, being free is the same as being financially independent. When you are financially independent you can be anywhere. You can do whatever you want.
But this is my opinion.
A good topic for reflection. Thank you.

I'm not completely free either but my mind is very free. Yes you are soo right. The system was designed to enslave not liberate.

With the rise of crypto people will be able to get paid for numerous things that they were not able to get paid for before.

I say that you are so free man. Reading your blogs makes me feel the freedom many people want. Everyone of us seeks freedom and I hope that all mankind can get it.

Wow. Grateful comment. I just do my best to live with passion and courage. My mind and my spirit are the freest part of me. I hope this rubs off on others.

It sure is brother. I am a big fan of your work. I follow every post you are giving to us. It inspires me to be honest.

No one want to be a slave in this world for sure and for instance if we talk about steemit this platform is creating more entrepreneurs along than anyone with no boss at all there is freedom the upcoming time will be the best ever

We can create our own paths.

Another sign of slavery is when you always satisfy everybody first before yourself.
When making decisions, you don't look at your own needs, you only consider others.
You enslave your mind because you wanna paint a good picture.

The enslavement of the mind is one of the worst feelings one could have.

Thanks for this amazing post.

Also gender enslavement. Made a post on feminism that is worth the talk on the enslavement of the soul.

That's true. But there's also a good side to that kind of slavery. You learn how to sacrifice for others.

I hate how women are treated in many societies. The man is nothing without the woman and vice versa

Some times, people get enslaved without knowing. They think the situation is under their control but its the other way round, they are under the control of the situation.

Unconscious puppets.

Truth teller! Recently people that are close to me complain of my no longer paying attention like i used to, when i haven't even noticed the difference... I was team workaholic! I say it in past tense because as of now, i'm cleaning up! Thanks for this motivation @humanearl.

I know exactly what you mean! I was seriously burned out months ago from being a workaholic.

As we can see freedom is very much about interpretation. For me, personal freedom is really about being emotionally and intellectually free. Free from limiting fears, free from guilt, free from other people's agendas. The feeling of not being constrained in imagination, feelings, hopes, ambition, lifestyle and conversation.@humanearl sir...

For those in the wealthier parts of the world, most senses of restriction are emotional or intellectual and it is possible (even quite easy) to liberate yourself or someone else from that kind of constraint. For example many people feel they are bound into a 9-5 grind, commuting and so on, when the reality is, largely, they are not : there are alternatives and they could make the choice.

In poorer parts of the world poverty, restrictive governments and violence can be real barriers to freedom.

Thanks sir...

Yes it is a real issue for those in the poorer parts. Some people are intentionally being held back. I like your ideas for being free. It's not easy to achieve that.

Yes I am very busy, even all the people, I will be free while all meras job stacking finished in working on and then I enjoy the sunset, because there I would feel a tremendous freedom

I know how you feel as far as being busy alot.

To sustain this life we do need money, position, property, company. But the money is the very first, because if we do not have money, we can not do anything. Because in this world everything needs money. But we must think about it, we do not get in bondage by all that. Thank you @humanearl

Of course money is not a bad thing in itself but it's how we use it.

@humanearl - Sir thanks to this blockchain, now we can see your journey anytime... Your posts are like a journal to have a good life & a blessed life...


Amen to that!

We are indeed bound to be of slavery of sth in today's world it can be anything ,being totally free is indeed hard enough !

In the Signs of slavery there are some things that I fall prey to :(

I hope to get out someday !

It's funny that the more freedom we seek, the more enslaved we become.

It is clear that human beings need freedom, even human mebutuhkan freedom in all fields, for example his freedom in life, everyone wants to live a safe, prosperous without getting interference from others, and be an independent person ...

Unfortunately this world works by the "I'm free at your expense" rule.

From strong clumps you will get a great display of flowers that last for a long time.

excellent your post Thanks for sharing

i think your post is like some advice for me.... i took some information from your post and i want to maintain this.... great post....

good work with dtube.nice video maker.keep it up

Amazing video.Thanks for sharing it