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RE: A Gross Miscarriage of Justice & Political Prisoner Shout Out

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

I believe that the problem is, the dems and reps are both just the left and the right arm of the same system. It is the illusion of choice. But both at their head seek our complete enslavement. It seems that any group desiring to set the country further down the path of destruction will find little resistance from the true hidden powers. Likewise any group that seeks to right this ship, and lead us to freedom, faces the full armada of said powers. I do not have an answer to your questions but believe that if we are to have any hope of restoration, we must break the spell that binds the masses, for every 1 who has awaken to the truth 20 still sleep. WE need more numbers before we hope to stand against these tyrannical forces.

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