"Our plantation is better than your plantation" - EVERY 'country' based argument ever

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


Every now and then youll come across people from one country cheer about the things they are allowed to do by their government in comparison to what others in other countries arent allowed to do. It sounds something on the lines of "Oh yeah? well over here in this country we are allowed to (insert topic here) but its illegal over there in your country so ha!" This is nothing more than slaves on plantations arguing with each other over who has the best form of slavery and worse still perpetuates division of humanity as a whole, an 'us vs them' mentality.

If your position starts with "(insert topic here) is 'legal' in this country and not yours" - this lilterally translates to "our MASTERS allow us to do (insert topic here)" since 'legal' is nothing more than what the suits calling themselves government and who believe have a right to rule you PERMIT you to do with your life. THAT is NOT freedom, that is getting permission from your owner to do whatever it is you chant about being ALLOWED to do when arguing amongst each other over which piece of dirt on this planet is the best.

If the said dirt that YOU live on has a ruling class AKA a government, Monarch etc, you're not free, you have owners who dictate what you can and cant do with your own lives and so revelling in what YOUR slave owner ALLOWS you to do vs what other slave owners elsewhere allow/forbid on other plantations is quite sad and pathetic.

Instead of arguing with people from other pieces of dirt/land over what you are pemitted to do by your owners, focus on the fact that we are ALL enslaved on this giant rock of a prison planet and lets work on ending that slavery for EVERYBODY!

This starts with abandoning the belief that ANYONE has the RIGHT to rule over other human beings, in this case, the belief in government and authority.

Check out:

My previous article #Government is slavery


Authority is slavery -by Mark Passio

Believers in government are supporters of slavery - by Mark Passio


They program this type of thinking pattern into society through professional spectator sports.

Great post!