We are currently under Net Neutrality, and yet we still have choices as far as ISP packages from the fastest DSL all the way down to dial-up. Additionally if we have our own web page each web host has different packages at different prices available. Nobody is 'subsidizing' anyone else who streams a lot. If your internet needs are small, get a budget dial-up package. If you web page has very little traffic, get a cheap shared server deal. We have all sorts of choices and NN is not getting in the way, but is instead making our choices possible on the internet. Without NN, ISP's could use their control and power over the internet 'rail line switching stations' to act as legalized extortion racketeers by demanding payment from a website before allowing data traffic to come and go from a site. Like many regulations, NN is benevolent regulation that protects innocent people from harm. NN protects the public from corporate plutocrats for whom no amount of profit is ever enough -- they always want more. NN proactively protects people from ever becoming victims of a giant internet extortion racket.@adamkokesh Sir,
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