
I use to joked with friends that Google is our version of the Umbrella Corporation in resident evil. It looks like my joke wasn't far off.

I think that's absolutely spot on, Resident Evil Is one of the best games ever made. I love games, but with what I know now, I seriously warn people about using VR, stick to playing the games via the TV, the more we connect ourselves to the technology the more danger we are In and the more control we are giving to the rulers of the darkness. Be awake, be aware and spread the word.

When I watched Terminator for the first time as a kid, I was mesmerized and terrified of the machines. I believed I was watching a piece of fiction that would never really happen. This is startling information.

One of the best films ever but they have been and are using the media to predictive program us for what they have planned, just look at films and video games now, they're full of AI and trans-humanism. Our very souls, our consciousness Is on the line, it's all our responsibility to spread this Information to make people aware of what the elite are trying to do. We need to take control of the technology not the other way around. We must not merge ourselves with AI, this Is very serious.

Good intentions don't necessarily make good inventions

Flipping awsome got my vote and re-steem

It's not the technology, that's the problem, It's the forces In the darkness that are using It for evil and to take control of all of us. I have to say I believe this Is to entrap and steal our souls, consciousness In the physical world. So this Is very serious and Is much worse than passing on naturally which Is just a new beginning for our consciousness.