The National Socialists used the captured Jewish Communists to help build Wewelsburg Castle, where they practiced some occult practices, occult simply means hidden, they were using the power of Vril, an Internal energy of the body, this Is the same as Chi Energy In Martial Arts, which I have studied myself, the harnessing of Inner energy to smash through boards, concrete etc. From what I've read It seems they were possibly using this to get Information from other dimensions. I would say this was a very dangerous thing to be doing, a bit like whats happening at Cern, we shouldn't mess with things we don't fully overstand.
Adolf Hitler closed down all the Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies practicing the worship of lucifer and arrested Aleister Crowleys followers. These people had Infiltrated all of German Society and pushed Communism and pornography, depravity everywhere attempting to destroy the morale fabric of Germany they did the same In the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik revolution. So he took the enemies of the German people and humanity and threw them all In work camps.