She Sat Down

in #freedom7 years ago

Should we stand, sit, or what, for the pledge of allegiance to a flag of a country, that is if we want to, assuming that we are happy as legal citizens as opposed to illegal immigrants of a nation we reside upon or should we do away with states, with nations, countries, families, religions, etc?

In Boy Meets World (S01E11), she sat down back around 1994, way before that one guy sat down in that NFL game. This same girl who sat down in the show also was against marriage or was not certain of whether marriage was necessary for families and relationship and for humanity and everything. So, what do you think about marriage?

Screenshot at 2018-02-03 09:13:40.png

Boy Meets World S01E11

2018-02-03 Saturday 09:42 AM LMS: She Sat Down
Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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In the show, Corey tried to tell the girl that America was great because they could discuss it, debate about it, about whether we should stand or sit for a national anthem or pledge of allegiance or whatever. Corey was trying to defend that position but then the bell rang and everybody left the class as if discourse and conversations were meaningless even as some countries will attack the freedom of speech and Corey knew that people die in some countries and Corey talked about that 3 episodes earlier when Corey was the teacher. What is freedom worth to you?


Very interesting post!!

Everyone loves freedom of speech untli they disagree with it. Do we love the symbol of a nation, or a song about a nation, more than what the nation itself represents in our heart? It borders on modern idol worship; perhaps that is exactly what it is.

I agreeeeeee.