
If I get chosen to be on jury, I'll bring it up. No victim, no crime!

If you bring it up during voir dire, I guarantee they'll excuse you and escort you to the door...they may even clear the jury pool and reschedule the trial after seating a new jury. I get what you're saying, and I'm down with that...but there are two ways to go about jury nullification; the right way, and the wrong way...wait until you are chosen for the jury, then you can bring up jury nullification if you feel it applies to that case...

That's just my two cents...I've seen both attempts, and those who try and shout it from the top of the courthouse stairs are often removed and threatened with charges...whereas, those who work it from inside a case they feel warrants it, always have a better chance of making it stick....

I get it. I just get keyboard commando syndrome sometimes. I would puss out I'm sure. But I would be singing F da police in my mind while hearing the case.

I feel ya

sounds like a good way to get out of jury duty.

It is a good way to get out of jury duty...if you don't want to participate...but it's also a good way to keep the system in check and more people need to be made aware of it. Several of the laws we live by are considered unconstitutional...people are convicted based on adherence to "the letter of the law," without realizing the law allows them to "upset the apple cart," as it were, when deciding the fate of a defendant brought before them.

I have already put one guy in prison, he totally deserved it, we were lucky that we had a lawyer on the jury with us.

All I can say about that is, the defendant should've fired the court appointed peon and hired a lawyer good enough at voir dire to excuse a lawyer called upon to serve jury duty.

Why did you say he has a court appointed lawyer? I didn't say that.
On what grounds would you exclude a lawyer from serving and to what end?
The guy was quite guilty and got the punishment he deserved.