I am sorry, people can flag / downvote these posts of mine all day long, all they want. That is NOT something that solves the underlying problem, WHICH IS WHY I MADE THE POSTS!
Of course I would like to just ignore Slam and this censorship, sabotage, by just going about my day taking Fotos and making a post about Chocolate Cake recepees, BUT THAT IS NOT HOW TO DEFEND THE FREEDOM MY ANCESTORS DIED TO GIVE ME!
The World and nature and physics require initiative and action if you want a change in reactions!
So help me help you.. Help me to help you... Help me to help us all.. Except the Islamists themselves of course..
In Denmark, we are now being banned from Facebook for just stating simple critiques of Criminal immigrants and Slamists and the corrupt government probably likes it..
You see.. If we stop being YEARWOKEN (Aarvaagen in Danish) we will immidiately see a regression and loss of liberty and prosperity and growth of cancerous actors, Islamists, corruption of all kind..!