Is freedom, truth, life and survival only about you?

Many of us say we want freedom. What are we saying and what are we doing?
We want the "freedom" to do what we want to do. We want the "freedom" to pursue entertainment, gratifications, pleasures, and other appearances and distractions. “Real freedom? I just want my personal 'freedom', not all that other work for everyone's freedom.”
Many of us say we want truth. What are we saying and what are we doing?
We want the "truth" that allows us to do what we want to do. We want the "truth" that brings us comfort and convenience. “Real truth? I just want my personal 'truth', I'm not concerned.”
We want these things so that we can "live" and "survive" however we want. When we focus on that way of thinking, we aren't interested in truth, but belief believed to be "true". The belief of believing whatever we want to believe so that it justified what we want to do.
Are we interested in what is right, good and true for all, or only for ourselves?
We seem to only want to be responsible for the freedom and survival of our own little bubbles, in our geographic zones of comfort, living in an unreality of ignoring or denying what is happening in reality.

The structure of the system and way of life promotes an expectation and entitlement to have the wealth and luxury that others have. We want to "climb up" the social strata.
We see the "happiness" and "luxury" of their lives, and are infatuated with the affection we have towards it. This desire, want and wish develops into an attachment and craving for that image of "happiness" and comforting wealth we have in our minds.
We want to have more than what we have. By comparison others have more, and we feel entitled to have the same amount as them. The comfort, convenience and opulent status symbols needs to be mirrored so we can feel like we match up or surpass their facade and appearances of material "happiness". We have an illusory sense of “being better” because we “have more” useless crap in our lives.
We work within the system to climbing the ladder. We want to have more, so that instead of being servants to others, we can reach a position were we are served upon.

This is how the covert, hidden and occulted slavery of the modern era is perpetuated by us, the willing servants. We strive to climb to be master of the plantation so that we don't have to do as much work as others while reaping more and more.
We willingly submit as indentured servants, happy in our servitude and enslavement in the system of co-dependence. We put the chains on ourselves, ensuring that we remain in place in learned helplessness, and unable to effectuate any real, lasting, true change.
We can develop the courage to look at the darkness, shine a light, and learn to let go of our attachment to illusions.

We need to look at freedom, truth, life and survival beyond our own personal lives and bubbles of reality (or unreality). We can encompass a larger circle of care, compassion, empathy, conscience and morality. These capacities are undeveloped and "deadened" within many of us, in our current condition of conditioning into falsity. Recognizing the suffering of others can have us care about reality more, and care for truth more so that we can understand why there is suffering and how to reduce that suffering.
That is the way and path to get the true freedom and peace we all want.
Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.
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2017-02-14, 5:13pm@krnel
I love how you end with such a powerful idea: "Recognizing the suffering of others can have us care about reality more, and care for truth more so that we can understand why there is suffering and how to reduce that suffering." One thing that continuously permeates through the ages of this life I am living right now is the constant of people telling me how by helping others, they end up helping themselves!
Pausing on this note for a few seconds, at the very least, one can find out that even this very fact actually helps us liberate our selves from ourselves. By helping others, we end up finding about the sufferings of others and work cooperatively along with this person or this person or this group of people to solve such matters. The more a person does that, the more this person starts using the same tricks, consciously or not, on themselves as they see the positive results on others as it is a natural mode of being for consciousness to move toward the light, toward positivity and its own wellbeing. This welfare is in itself the nature of our consciousness! Bliss!!!
As soon as we start to apply this helpful hands and compassion that we extend toward others, we start realizing our power to effect change and, therefore, start to feel empowered. This translates into the belief that one can help themselves. The path to the realization that what we do for others actually helps ourselves too can be a fairly short one, but most definitely always at least successfully gratifying one with equally monumental potential toward oneself as well.
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Well said, it always has bothered me, at least for the past few years.
I've grown tired of seeing people just whine around, trying their hardest to please some fake "systems", dealing with fully underdeveloped personalities, just so they can get by and feed their families. Buying and a few years later selling, moving around, taking leases and mortgages, who needs that, why are people so easily hooked and less and less of them pay attention to the world and how more and more of it becomes locked and closed off.
We are making problems for ourselves and then turning their back on them, then we wonder why we are surrounded by shit, well no wonder there.
I just wish more people would work together, at least for some common goal, sharing not hierarchic over each other. We can all do more and achieve better results if we drop some of that requirement for more and more endless stuff
Indeed. It takes self-knowledge to understand what matters more, I think. Thanks for the feedback.
I like the word "interdependence" as a description of both having a sense of independence and freedom for ourselves, while also recognizing and embracing the connectedness of all. When in a state of awareness, I can do "this," and the outcome might be "that," but I know that cause/effect affects not just me, but also someone else(s), or my environment.
Some great thoughts, as always!
Always keep in mind the possibilities, as @krnel said in his previous post, Events happen because of people, but they are already over, so it can't be changed.
Yeah we are definitely not an island unto ourselves, doing it all ;) We are co-dependent and interdependent. Maybe not codependent in the psychological sense, but we are "hanging" from each other's actions to create the flow of an economy. hardly anyone grows their own food. We are dependent on others greatly hehe.
Thank you so very much for your kindness regarding the "tokens" of appreciation you shared with me, I most hopefully am as grateful as you were. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
@krnel. happiness is not solely derived from property and wealth. I think happiness is when we were able to enjoy what has been obtained without complaining. many real events show that wealth does not ensure the comfort and happiness. I think the higher one's income, the more unhappy if it is not able to appreciate what has been obtained. other than that according to human nature that is never satisfied and with needs that are not restricted. impossible to be happy without thankful