In interesting post, but I think somewhat flawed, from how I see things, anyway.
general population to demand self-government and render the psychological roots of statism irrelevant.
The psychological roots of statism stems from very early rural village life, and advocating other people to take responsibility for the groups security and day to day running of the community.
Able to connect like never before, we are already developing the relationships that will render government obsolete.
I think connecting like never before, will change governments in ways similar to reverting to the early village system - where dishonesty cannot be hidden as easily. ( like what has happened since post industrial revolution times.)
The connectivity will make everything more transparent.
It won't render governments obsolete IMO, because the majority (based on Intelligence IQ bell curves), will always want leadership, and hence always WANT a government, to some degree or other.
Thats how I see the internet revolution, and how it will change governments. Not eradicate them.