
Thanks for coming out! It was great getting into the strategy with someone who sees the big picture for this campaign. Thanks for the support!

Both you Adam and you Luke are doing a great work to help the world a large, to help us great a more logical and fairer society. Thank you for being awesome!

I did mention you and your earlier post on my latest blog post... hope you do not mind...great steemians... especially @adamkokesh who i shall vote for next president come 2020... nice one @lukestokes very informative post..

Hey I was there. We talked a bit in the parking lot. Just joined Steem, trying to connect more into the community. Great post. Upvoted and following.

Nice! Welcome to Steemit.

Awesome post, very inspiring. The internet was our first greatest tool, blockchain the next. I believe we live in times that are similar to when the church was powerful. We just don't realize it until we are truly free from it. Federal governments and banks.

I will follow adam and am glad to donate some BTC for his cause. Thank you very much @lukestokes

@lukestokes - This is the first time I have come across someone who is giving the governance system a deep thought and is actually trying to do something about it. I do not live in the US but I think this concept is universally applicable. Will have varying degree of difficulty in implementation since first, one needs to get into a position of power in the existing system to be able to do anything (including abolishing). Will go through everything in detail. Thanks. Upvoted



Excellent! Let me know what you think after checking it out.

Such a great post Luke! Thanks for doing such an amazing job on your articles and while being an American (although I do not buy into the "passport" story too much..), you have the guts to say the truth about US government. I loved the opening paragraph, total chills bro! Keep on inspiring us @lukestokes!

This massage heart touching

Keep up the good fight. Spread the message far and wide.

Great man.

FREEDOM is NO RULERS @lukestokes

That is a pretty dramatic message. I've voted Green party 3 of last 5 elections.

I've been voting for @adamkokesh here shortly after getting my account. That's my only option but am don't it.

This is how the revolution starts my friend and with the help of bitcoin and blockchain tech we will succeed in being free at least financially (some how) thanks for posting this and more success.
Posts visibility are low it affeced my latest post which outlined some solutions about the problem, feel free to see it and note the tips

I saw your post, thanks.

Great, you are welcome

@lukestokes Excellent, follow up . Thank you very much

My buddy and whistle-blower, Donald Marshall has ousted Adam as an Illuminati agent. Donny is usually never wrong. Be careful @lukestokes


The proboards are an archive of Donald's facebook converstations. I've been trying to get him to join steemit for about a year now but to no avail unfortunately. Not, sure if it's b/c he doesn't like the interface or what ...

"Usually never" huh? Who exactly is the "Illuminati" again? I hung out with Adam quite a bit yesterday. IMO, he's just a dude interested in spreading the NAP.

I've hung out with him also when he came up here to Rochester, NY (4yrs+ back) and got a bad vibe off him from the get-go. In the speech he gave he even mentioned how he scooped someone's brain into a jar in Afghanistan who was burnt to death (I'm paraphrasing).

"Usually never" huh? Who exactly is the "Illuminati" again?

Read Donald's original letter to the public, from December 2011, and find out for yourself. I have it on the STEEM blockchain via a comment I made a few days ago.

Donald Marshall's Original Letter -- PART 1
Donald Marshall's Original Letter -- PART 2

So you flagged his comment I wanted to reward because he shared a war story that he's most likely not proud of and probably spent years of self care getting over? I'm not sure what you mean by a "bad vibe", but I had lunch and dinner with him yesterday and we talked about real ideas, not fringe conspiracy theories.

Come on man. Please save your flags for actual abuse of the blockchain. I have no interest in Donald Marshall. Please remove your flag on his comment and have respect for people you disagree with.

So you flagged his comment I wanted to reward because he shared a war story that he's most likely not proud of and probably spent years of self care getting over?

I flagged his comment because I don't see any value in it, not because I disagree with it. If you want to reward him, you should probably pay him out of your own pocket and not abuse the blockchain. The following comment had a pending payout of $17 when I flagged it down to $1:

Thanks for coming out! It was great getting into the strategy with someone who sees the big picture for this campaign. Thanks for the support!

Thank you for explaining the flag. As mentioned in the post, I have paid him 0.02 BTC out of my own pocket and wanted to upvote this comment with a full vote to thank him for spending the time to comment on this post even with his busy schedule. That brought it to around $7. It seems others agreed and voted it up another $10. If the comment was made by someone you support, do you think you still would have flagged it?

I don't abuse upvoting worthless content and this was a rare exception for me to give a full vote to a comment. Either way, thanks for explaining your flag.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

This is in addition to my former comment on this post.. Blockchain technology is leadinng to a more financially free people hence all the hate towards Bitcoin and steemit however we will succeed as a united community-upped, as always and hope you are doing great.
I commented on your former posts however my comments were lost hence why you didnt see it... due to bug
that caused posts visibility to be low. It affeced my latest post which outlined some solutions about the problem, feel free to see it and note the tips