I've Heard Enough "Condemning" of Israel By The UN and Other Countries. Stop Condemning and Do Something!

in #freedom8 years ago

600,000 illegal invaders living within the Palestinian territories, and more every minute.  Possession is 9/10ths of the law, they will never leave.

Learn More about the illegal settlements:  http://imemc.org/article/73058/ 


That should get you started.


great thoughtful post, nice vid, lovely voice thanks for being brave Lyndsay

Thank you for knowing the truth, and defending it, @elissahawke

People are so programmed by the Media they stop thinking for themselves, I am afraid your call will fall on deaf ears. Israel will never be truly condemned for the war crimes it's committing because the western media have created an impression that Israel is the victim no matter what Israel does. Too bad the western world is now paying the price, but the media will only blame terrorism, Israel will not be mentioned as the cause of all this aggression. Some comments will show you what kind of brain washing the media does on the simple minded.

Yes, I've been in this game for a while. I know what the comments will be, before I even scroll down to see em haha. Thank you for being aware. You are a gem.

And I will never stop.

Israel IS a victim !! As is Palestine and all the other countries of the world who are hostage to the backwards mentality of the powerbrokers, the corporates, the money, the agencies etc.
Everyone is fighting everyone and they regularly change sides or objectives to try and stay ahead of the game ... and for what ? Money, Power, Resources ... IMMORTALITY ? Ha. The clock never stops ...

Maybe you need to research the history of what is happening over there. Isreal has on multiple occasions been attacked by palestine, offered up peace treaties, and offered up land, only to be attacked again and again. Palestine is the aggressor, but the liberal media does not want you to know this. A little historical research would be a great start before reading those articles condemning Isreal.

Yeah, so true. It would be nice if people actually went back in history as far as it goes before passing a judgement on Israel and calling them the aggressors or occupiers, but that's just tough to do when someone or a group of people have a specific agenda to push.

USA is actually a country and we have over 20,000,000 foreign invaders and more every second.