Late Night Conversation With the Demon | thoughts

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

The only thing I wish every morning is that my fingers keep dancing on the keyboard
Writing subliminal messages, sarcasm, ideas, and things I care
I always feel happy whenever I have a full day off to write for people
There are so many things I'd like the world know that age is just a number
That race is just a color,that nationality is just a part of binding contract

With all the papers I have, I am an investment for the country
But I believe I have the right to choose my own path and shred the paper
Just one day, somewhere on the surface

It amazed me how day by day I keep on discovering alike minded people
Who wished the world to be a better place
All those Utopian stories I read, maybe will become a reality
Who knows?
I've already seen quite resemblance of current situation to the twilight
Of how mankind were so advanced yet it made them ignorant

Shallow, whenever I mention twilight, they think it's a vampire love story
Probably that's how they feed you with twilight, shades of something and so on
Quite distraction to the current situation

I used to be the part of narcissistic circle
Pretend that I am happy with flashy images all over the place
While the fact was our eyes glued to the phone
Waiting for likes, admiration, and mindless connection

I don't know how long will the earth sustain our stupidity
Why don't we just nuke each other and finish it?
Do we wait for Tesla to land on mars and yet again only the 0.001% could afford
Well, leave the rest on earth, dying, we don't need a sheeple

Technology is becoming more advanced
You don't need a real human to feel loved
Get yourself a human robot and an Oculus
Embrace the virtual reality
It's only a little piece of the new society

Money is other problem,
Everything will be paperless,
This probably a good side that we'll stop cutting the trees
Maybe scientist will find a way to create a Wifi tree

I don't know if I can still preach about anonymity
They say " Upload it on the cloud"
Massive information floating in the sky
Accessible by anyone who has the control
Maybe it's a good way to get a little control over ourselves

Do they respect privacy?
Do we still have privacy?
why are we still shy walking naked on the street?
Least to say only wearing a minimalist clothing?
While everything about ourselves is simply revealed.

With all those information we provide
People quick make a judgement
But with a little strength we have
We can fake a little part of ourselves
I'd say that's the advantage

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Anyway, Let's not sweat, chill and listen to this

video credit

That song above is my most favorite from a track compilation I found through a fellow in a discord channel.


I love it, that dystopian world I feel we are already in way too deep

yeah you know how things are these days

This is amazing. Beautiful.

thank you :) I appreciate it

where's my human robot? where's my robot human?

Where's my macchiata, and that flat white that I ordered earlier?

Big hugs

In no time, those will become real :D
Cheers dude just chill and listen the music above :p