Five years ago, we sold everything in an attempt to save our
family from a life of debt, bills, dead end jobs and T.V
family from a life of debt, bills, dead end jobs and T.V

The results of taking this huge step into the unknown has indeed been something to write about, and I know I keep going on about it, but I really think I'm onto something here!
After all these years of freeing ourselves, we are much closer, happier, healthier, and RICHER than ever before, is this just coincidence or did we somehow crack the code to ultimate freedom and resilience from a system that very nearly broke us all?
There are many things that have helped us on our quest for the good life, steemit being the main one of course, but none of them would have materialized if we hadn’t taken that first and most important step in freeing our minds from mental slavery.

Once we had overcome that fear that’s ingrained in us
from all the Disney films and propaganda we've been fed
our whole lives then the rest was a walk in the park.
from all the Disney films and propaganda we've been fed
our whole lives then the rest was a walk in the park.
Living Debt-Free is the Key
You have to trust me on this one!
Being debt-free, is freedom!
Being debt-free, is freedom!
BUT you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal and in some cases, like ours, drastic measures were called for.
Although we are not worried about the future it makes sense in these somewhat uncertain times to live as a nomad, times are changing and having the ability to change with them is a big advantage, this was proven just 3 months ago when the Swedish state demanded our child goes to school or else, within 24hrs, the whole family, and our house were safe in Finland :)
If the shoe don't fit, don't live in it!.
OK, some shoes come with a ball and chain but with a bit of work, we'll have that off in no time!.

year in, year out!
freedom posts and say "LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!"
Correction ..
We will not be happy only with freedom
But with justice
Justice will fuel the problem, you don't fight fire with fire, forgiveness is the only way for us to evolve without hate in our hearts.
WOW what an incredible thing to do!! Thanks for sharing your very inspiring journey @markwhittam :)
Wow, do you reward all your comments like that, imagine if everyone did that.... Bye bye Steemit.
It was fun while it lasted!
Why do you say this? Sebastian is my friend and has kindly upvoted my comment, is this a problem?
Yes, I can see you and Sebastian always upvote your comments and visa versa,
Hey, you do want ever you like, but I find that when I share my vote responsibly and fairly, then I have no need to upvote my own comments because what goes around comes around.
But, like I said, that's just my opinion.
No problem :)
Oh the hypocrisy! Why bother analysing and questioning Erins support base? You can vote up comments on your page, as you quite clearly do, however I am not allowed to do the same? See the irony? I vote up Erins page and her comments because I want her to do well in the early stages of her Steemit Journey and she is my friend. Activity and participation can be rewarded in many ways. I have encouraged four friends to sign up to Steemit in the last few months who are now active and I support them all. That is what friends do right? I also support those who visit my page just as I am sure you do. What goes around comes around right and yes we can do what we want with our votes and what you deem responsible and fair is relative to your perspective and intent. I choose to give out my SP, I support good deserving people, I support my mates and I also support my community just as I imagine you do here on your page. I wish you luck with that journey of sincerity and sharing as that is the entire point of Steemit. Just my opinion.
I just voted, upvoted, resteemed, and voted for myself to support this hilarious and weird argument! I was going to ask a few questions about the nomadic lifestyle, butI am too worried that my voting Antics will get ya all worked up. Sheesh!
Look, if I go and indiscriminately vote for every single comment my friend makes than that raises suspicion around here, I vote for good comments that bring value to a post, you vote for all your friends comments regardless, and you don't even check out the post that your friend commented on, to me that is rude, and I'm sick of seeing it, just take a look at the guy on the top of this comment section, and then I have you 2 underneath him.
If you don't want me picking on your voting behavior, then keep it out of my face.
I didn't have a problem before but the essay you just wrote to excuse yourself is feeble.
Just my opinion
Oh, and I see you paid yourself to have this argument with me..... That's a great way to support your community.
I feel sorry for what you experienced 5 years ago.but it was an experience for you and you brought it where you were right did it. I hope you do better.
"Being debt-free, is freedom!" a very good word..@markwhittam
Great motivational stuff, Mark. You are on the right path in my opinion. Its not always easy, but it's never lonely. Keep things simple. Keep things authentic. Way to go!
Your story is definitely very inspiring. Keep on telling it!
Thanks @jeffjagoe and nice of you to stop by. :)
hopefully someday I'll sack up and do the same! The 7-5 work grind is no fun. STEEM might be the savior for me
It’s amazing!
We see so much talk but to see action is such a moment of inspiration.
completely with you on this one! we live in a tiny home and are debt free as well. the "game" "rat race" whatever you want to call it just never called to me. as i discovered earth based living and permaculture, i realized that majorly called to me! it's all about finding what is truly satisfying us. and debt free is the way to be ;) LOL ! thanks for this <3
More power to you!!! Keep living the dream......... And let everyone see the true benefits of living outside the box.
keep it up ♥ following you @markwhittam
Very cool I want to build myself a tiny house to live the same freedom as you hope you wil live free for a long time
Do it!!!! Please do.......... You will Not regret it..
Breaking free from mind control and mental slavery is where it's at. Great to see many doing it and now, we are increasingly connected as well :D
Yes, Sam, it's looking like more and more are turning to alternative ways, soon we will be the majority.
Man, I still remember reading your first post. It got me straight away buddy! I always read your stories and fantasize about how it will be for us to achieve a free life. But I think I need to grow a pair of balls first. But eventually, I am 100% sure I will say LETS DO IT! Cheers buddy!
hahaha, That's so funny, I did write, 'to achieve this you need to grow some balls' but then thought it was a bit rich...........should have gone with my instincts
As always Mark, you are full of the kind of advice that I myself love to give as well. Living this alternative lifestyle as they call it, is so much better for the soul! It's taking the plunge to freedom that is the risky, hard but rewarding part. I've been away from Steemit for a little bit dealing with my previous material goods that have only brought me wreck so, I am curious to know how you're doing now and to catch up with you! I have huge news! Where should I connect with you more personally? :) Hope you and the family had an incredible NY <3
Hello @heart-to-heart!
We are all doing great thanks, I had noticed you were a little less active and just thought you were off on some wild adventure somewhere.
Things have been moving full steem over here, busy busy, but you can always catch me steemitchat :)
Look forward to catching up :)
SO happy to hear you guys are thriving! I know the last time we were talking, you were kind of roaming around, running away from the craziness that was trying to put your children in the education system sigh... Really happy to hear things are better now! I Want to know all about how your Steem tour went/is going! I guess we should move this over to .chat :) I'll message you there!
@markwhittam My husband and I did the same thing about 10 years ago by selling/giving away everything including our house and cars except the one we towed behind the used RV we purchased. We are still living debt free and are FREE. I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe doing it sooner especially since we were homeschoolers/outside the box folk anyway. ;) Enjoy your debtFREEDOM life :)
Most countries are in deep debt, they can't safe us and we can't safe them. There is only one way, do it yourself! When a story is important you have to tell it often, nice post!
I read your very first post, and I thought then, "Good on you all". You are truly living.
I also am free and live as I want to, and not be dictated to, or have all of my decisions made for me. I just am.
There is nothing like living a debt free life, there is this inner relief you feel,
Personally i want to congratulate u and your family for overcoming the financial burdens that weighed you down those years back
Though you pass through stress some time past you still came successful, strong, and richer
@markwhittam it looks and sounded like you have peace of mind. Yes, conquering those debt is the way to go!
I applaud you for what you did to have your freedom! Sometimes we think it will take lots of sacrifices to gain freedom. But in reality, it can as simple as selling everything and walking away from debts and dead jobs! It will be me for sure. Thank you for posting this.
debt of gratitude is in order for offering your considerations and experience to the general population, your life will bloom as Roses by the way you have picked. Your choice and resolution to battle against the undesirable framework make you the most moving variable for others.
Presently I know about the condition win in the alleged create nations of the world, individuals are enormously enduring by cps. Be that as it may, your fast choice makes you the most joyful individual in your coming future. You and your great companions like the colossal steemians Canadian-coconunt are doing the best employment for the casualties family.
All of you are my motivation and power Who enable me to influence life to idealize in this world. Much obliged companion, I wish you an extremely glad and delightful time ahead with your adored family.
It was a big experience for you. But you did the good! @markwhittam
Very nice sharing. I agree with every single one of you. I'm having a long hard time. But I'm in steemit 25 days. And I'm happy. Facebook is the most important place for me instead of another site. quality first of all. I just mentioned it. I have financial difficulties. But after steemit, I started to dream. And I've been here for hours every day to get the Honda CBR 250RR I want to buy for many years. And I am very happy.
@markwhittam @steemit
And I upvoted, reestemed to you. Because this post is very meaningful. @markwhittam
If we are happy, it means freedom !! Thanks for story my friend.No matter how hard life is, we are free in our dreams.. @markwhittam Im follow you now !
excellent that you did! The most glaanoe extend the fear of suspense, fear for the day before yesterday. if you get rid of this, you can get the result as you do. I'm glad that there are such examples of reviews on which people are trying to change their lives for the better.
I'm in!
You are right. Debt free is the way to go. No bills and your life is yours to take in what ever direction you wish to go. We moved our family to Central America 17 years ago and haven't looked back. We live on a homestead and re pretty much self-sufficient. It has been a blessing for us. No 9 to 5 jobs, no bosses and no stress.
Freedom is definitely being debt free, I agree with that. You want to be financially free to really be able to adventure in life!
This is really inspirational, somehow you beat the system :)
I can definitely see why would this be a good idea, who knows, maybe I do something like this in the future
It would be nice to live in freedom!
I absolutely agree with you that it is freedom to live without debt. The most important thing my father taught me. If you want to buy something, if the money is enough, buy it. If money is not enough, do not take it. do not owe to anyone. so I do not use credit cards in my life. I will save money even before I buy a dress. I get clothes after that. I would recommend the same to you. Living without debt is my life. @markwhittam
I am free because I do not owe to anyone. I hope I owe no one to anyone
from my point of view the freedom is to be yourself regardless of the opinion of others
I'm a big fan of the bravery and courage it took to make this move. Even more impressed that you had such a wonderful and open minded family to help make the transition with you. There must have been bumps along the way, but what you learned about yourself, your family, and your relationship with time/stress/money/things has to have made it valuable!
I am curious what your plans are for your kids as they continue to grow and become more independent. For now, I'm sure they appreciate the freedom and ability to grow outside of "the system".
Hahahahaha.... Like seriously, you made me laugh with this one.
Anyway, there's nothing like freedom. Freedom brings peace of mind, happiness and a sense of accomplishment. The importance of freedom can never be over emphasised.libertad para vivir libres... esa es la vida que debe vir todo ser humano
Tell us more about you and your family's life in the tiny house!
Where there is a will, there is a way; you did it bro. Nice post👍🏿
Indeed you have cracked the code. living debt-free is the answer. it gives you some peace of mind. there are other Keys which I'm sure you've discovered as well. the system wants you in debt and dependent upon it. the many material things we have in life we do not own we only rent for the time we're here on Earth most people don't get that concept life is not about what we want it's not about us it's about serving others and showing gratitude to the one who gave us life
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with the people, your life will blossom as Roses by the way you have chosen. Your decision and will power to fight against the unhealthy system make you the most inspiring factor for others. Now I am familiar with the condition prevail in the so called develop countries of the world, people are greatly suffering by cps. But your quick decision makes you the happiest person in your coming future. You and your good friends like the great steemians @Canadian-coconut are doing the greatest job for the victims family. You all are my inspiration and power Who give me the power to make life perfect in this world. Thanks friend, I wish you a very happy and beautiful time ahead with your beloved family.
This is one dam good, same old stories!
Hola te invito a pasar por mi blog y leer mi ultimo post el embarazo se contagia !! @amirjv1 saludos
Hola te invito a pasar por mi blog y leer mi ultimo post el embarazo se contagia !! @amirjv1 saludos
Living debt free is definitely near the top of the list. Now if we could just get rid of those pesky things called "states" you'd truly be free to roam around and live how you want without some gang telling your children what they can and can't do etc.
A really enlightening piece of writing and I can connect to it much. I quit my job Aug'16 to create a life of A Digital Nomad being a freelance designer and writer. And now I close to live that life.
I had given and followed enough of the rule the system (whether education or society) had made and thought of breaking it out. And things have never been better. There were tough times but it is better to have them for short-term than living with it for all the life.
One of the articles that made sense to me was one by James Altucher "How To Quit Job The Right Way". Make sure you all go through. It is a brilliant piece of work.
Few books that helped
Above books are highly recommended. Please do make sure you glance once through them.
I think we should all fuck of banksters and live the way we want to. Huge amount of people live in debtor slavery and im just looking for alternative so i could avoid beeing exploatated.
i'm glad you managed to get trough it and eventualy it payed of... keep it up! upvoted
Freedom is Anarchy :)
I dream of escaping everyday. Me, my wife, three kids, three dogs, and two cats, joke constantly about selling everything and living on a farm or living out of our camper. How did you realize your purpose? Well besides the mundane, violent, massive debt, long hours, materialistic , and constant stress?
Good job ditching the system. As more and more learn to leave it behind the inadequacy of the authoritarian claim to improve our lives through coercion is clearly demonstrated for the rest.
Btw, you could have posted this in the #freedomchallenge contest run by @sagescrub , it fits the prompt pretty well. Saludos.
I feel so sorry for what you had to experienced 5 years ago. even though it wasn't a sweet and rosy experience u wished you had not passed through it definitely was an experience for you and it has shaped what you are today.
"Being debt-free, is freedom!" a very good word..@markwhittam i love these words and will hold on to them. thanks for the inspiration.
upvoted..lets follow each-other and support each-other through this new venture! @Junaidhassan
Wow my friend
I’m jealous of the guts You had to go for it! Amazing step a few years back👍
This is a true inspiration to us all! You are correct
We are owned by the banks and we are in handcuffs mentally and even physically in some cases. Thank you for being one of the few who actually act not just speak👍
I look forward to reading more from you! Cheers to real freedom!
My job is primarily to use a computer, however, at this time I know Steemit, I say that in my past 15 years I was sitting on the wrong computer, making decisions is very difficult, especially in these times ...
There is nothing more liberating, than freedom ... !!
I wish you many successes .. !! Today you have been great teachers .. !! Thank you..!!