How to Build a Home From Stuff You Find lying Around.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Looking out the window of a house that cost you
nothing to build has got to be an amazing feeling.










When I heard this man wanted a helping hand with his next project I jumped at the chance.

We are on a mission to buy some land and build an Eco-community, the only thing is we have no idea what we are doing.

The great thing is, in the area of Portugal that we are looking for land, there are lots of people who have already been living the simple life for years, and they have a good idea of how to get shit done!.

Todays lesson, how to build a house.

Eucalyptus grows fast, and in abundance around here so it's
the right choice for an Eco-build.


By removing all the bark, insect and termites have nothing
to burrow under and the wood lasts much longer.


Drill 3 holes, 1 in the ground & 2 in the wood, then you hammer
in 2 steel rods and cut at an angle.

Slot the poles into positions and secure with tripods


Once the cross-members are in, then it's time to put in some
support beams and then repeat the process.


The first part of this build is complete, the frame is up,
we even managed to get the frame for his tool
shed up while we was waiting for tea.

OK, so everyone has their own idea of what a real house is but as most of you know we live in a tiny-house truck, so our perception of a what a house should be is slightly different to the average person.

Even so, I think a true home is whatever you enjoy living in,
I have lived in many a house, but I have never felt at home, until now.


Please join me next week for the next part of this build.

And remember, keep it simple!


Lovely!!! Once u get used to smaller spaces you start to enjoy the many benifits, and there are many... cleaning the house is a breeze, and heating and cooling is so much easier and cheaper. Everyone is forced to be coZy and close which is very intimate and nurturing.

Loom forward to seeing how it turns out!!’

Yes @eco-alex

I love the cozy aspect, and the cleaning too :)
Going back to continue this build tomorrow so stay tuned :)

nice! cant wait to see more.. where in Portugal are you exactly?

Hey @markwhittam, great job you're doing over there, might join up with you some day... been thinking about Portugal for a long time...

Congrats on the delegation from @fulltimegeek. Can't think of anyone more deserving! Thank you for all your support, much appreciated! :)


Thanks @reko

When we have found our land then your always welcome Bro!

Haha! Yeah I was blown away by this act kindness from a guy who has already done more than enough to help my blog grow.
Shout out to @fulltimegeek

It has had a great effect on me, I am already looking at how I can pay it forward.

I love this place!

Thank you, it's getting crazier here in Sweden by the day but also some good change happening behind the scenes so we'll see... It seems these delegations are a new trend and I know people are working behind the scenes to get it to people that really deserve it which will really strenghten the community and the value of the Steem blockchain! Good times are coming our way! :)

This looks really nice. Because of @eco-alex, I have started taking better interest in eco-homes. Looking forward to the next part :)

Thank you @sharoonyasir, I shall be going to continue this build tomorrow :)


In life, a person will come and go from many homes. We may leave a house, a town, a room, but that does not mean those places leave us. Once entered, we never entirely depart the homes we make for ourselves in the world. They follow us, like shadows, until we come upon them again, waiting for us in the mist.
― Ari Berk, Death Watch

Thank you @farhannaqvi7 for sharing this :)

true inspiration for your work, go ahead.

Well at the end of the day all we need in life is water, food and a shelter where you can live with our family!
All the rest is greed!

Wow, lovely. A few of this type of houses are available in my area here, they are surprisingly sturdy and hard to be destroyed!. They stay pretty long and durable.

Yes @kryptocoin,
They can be very comfortable inside too.
If ever build a house it would be something like this, something less permanent.

Thanks for swinging by :)

Damn that's so awesome!
Can't wait for update!

Man you are really rocking it and having a great time I bet. Keep it up buddy, thanks or sharing this inspiring post

Is it really true that what your eyes see your hands will craft? Nice job m8 helping someone else!

Cheers buddy!

It's as easy as Childs play, in fact, it is child's play.

Would love that @markwhittam..have fun and best of luck. Will visit when it's over.

Thank you @immarojas

Yes, I haven't forgotten :)


Haha..were you on Steemfest?

Creativity at it's finest. This is extremely impressive!

Looks quote simple so far. I think when I get my land I want to build an earth house on it . Ahh can't wait.

This looks like an amazing place to stay back and vibe. Sad hing I live in a city :/ Can't afford to be free all the time :(

There will come a time when you wonder from the city and find your true home.

Thanks for stopping by :)

When people work together beautiful thing happen. You develop invaluable and priceless friendship. You also get projects done. Finally you set an model of teamwork that can be an example to others. Wonderful post and a winner on all levels.

What a cool project!

Wow, my multitenented friend you are awesome. Great job you have done by building a eco friendly house, looking forward for your another update and telants. Thanks, wish you and your sweet children a very beautiful time ahead, stay blessed my dear friend.

Thanks so much for sharing! This setting is beautiful and the home is so impressive. I built my own place in a grain bin after attending a number of natural building workshops like cob and strawbale, and round pole framing. My place is not exactly a natural building, but nearly all the materials are recycled.

This is so cool. Specially the yoga place. That was so awesome!

That's a great skill mate!

@starkerz has redirected me to you.

Is there anyway I can contact you? I am on and discord.

What an amazing experience you are having! And you are learning while having fun and helping others! What more can you ask for? I truly hope you find that wonderful place where you and your family can live with others like you, living a free and happy life. And I know you will find that wonderful place soon!

Sorry for not keeping up to date with commenting. I hit a plateau and have been doing less computer activities. Wishing you and your family much love, happiness and joy!!!

Thanks for checking in @cabbagepatch
I hope all is well and that you are also getting your fair share of happiness and joy!!!

Wow that is so cool ! Thanks for sharing :)

Oh wow! I'm going to check back! That looks like such an amazing project. I'm sure he appreciates the help and so cool that you're able to help him out. It's a great idea. Nice to know that stripping the bark of makes it harder for the termites, etc. We have that problem here as well. Do you have a post about your tiny house truck? I'm going to search your older posts for it. I'd love to see the inside. :)

I love this! Followed and excited to see progress! Silly question time, do you not have crazy bureaucratic laws there and inspections and ish dictating builds?

That has put a smile on my face. What a great post. Can't wait to do something like this one day. Being free as a bird, what a way to live. Up-voted and resteemed.

Wow, what a project.