We are The Whittam Family.
We live and breath for our children
and since they were born they have never been without their Mother.
And for the last 6 years I, their Father, have only worked 6 months
a year so that I can spend as much time as possible with my family.
and since they were born they have never been without their Mother.
And for the last 6 years I, their Father, have only worked 6 months
a year so that I can spend as much time as possible with my family.
We even sold our house and went travelling through the winter months in our tinyhouse on wheels, this brought us even closer than ever before and made us realise that there was much more to life.
Another reason we wanted to have a house on wheels
was because it was illegal to home-school in Sweden.
was because it was illegal to home-school in Sweden.
We knew the day would come when the
state would demand we stopped being free and hand
over our children to be turned into competitive consumer sheep.
state would demand we stopped being free and hand
over our children to be turned into competitive consumer sheep.
Goodbye Sweden!
That dreaded day came, and seven months ago we were forced to leave Sweden with our four children after receiving numerous threats from the state, we were fully prepared for this event and quickly packed up our tinyhouse and headed for calmer seas.
It was heart breaking, especially for Louise who was born and bred in Sweden and knew that she might never again get to celebrate mid-summer with her family in the land she knew and loved so much.
Family is everything.

We refuse to have our children judged by a general standard that we know will dampen their spirit and make them feel like they constantly have to fit in to a society that's broken at the best of times. We want our children to blossom and realise their true potential which can only happen when they are free to explore THEIR own interests and beliefs, coupled with an individual education that’s tailored to fit their style of learning (if they so choose), which in my eye's can only be taught by their parents.
Knock Back, after Knock Back, after Knock Back!
We feel as though we are constantly being pushed back, whenever we find a place we want to be, we than find out that it won't work due to the obstacles that are put in place by the various states in Europe. We found our little piece of paradise in a beautiful part of Spain where we have been coming for the last four years. You wouldn't believe our luck when we found out that this is the only district in the WHOLE of Spain that has completely outlawed home-schooling. Hmmmm! I suspect that might have something to do with the amount of people that moved here who have an alternative lifestyle just like we do.
A Light At The End Of The Tunnel.
Whilst in Portugal we met a Swedish teacher who informed us that if we joined an international (Montessori) school in Sweden, then it would be possible to continue living and travelling the way we have been, this meant we could go back to Sweden in the summers to visit our family and continue being free. Suddenly we thought that all our dreams would come true, but this was short lived. A week ago the Montessori school we had contacted informed us that this was no longer an option and even they had to abide by the new laws that are popping up all over Europe.
The End Of The Line!
We are really starting to feel like there is no option left for us. With every passing day we feel like all the doors are being slammed in our face and the only option is to keep our children hidden and off the radar, like all the other homeschoolers in this region. Is there no other way, must we hide like criminals and live in constant fear?
Bye Bye Europe!
We are starting to think that we've been looking in the wrong places and that maybe, we should broaden our horizons and start looking elsewhere for the chance to live a life of true freedom. There must be somewhere that will except us for who we are, there must be a way, and if there is, I WILL find it, and we WILL go to the end of the earth for our children.
We would like to thank everyone
who supports and believes in our vision
We know we are on the right path
and that one day, we will find home.
who supports and believes in our vision
We know we are on the right path
and that one day, we will find home.
We hope that you continue to follow our journey
Wherever it may take take us.
Wherever it may take take us.
I wish you all had access to come here to the United States. Some states have hoops you have to jump through, but the United States every state has home school laws on the books, some have more restrictions than others do. I live in the State of Indiana, and we are considered a green home school state, meaning the state have very little restrictions on home schools. We don't have to report to the state at all, we don't even have to register with the state. The only way we even have to tell the local district is if we have had them in Public School then withdraw to home school, but then we just give notice in writing that they are being transferred to private home education and they give you a copy of your kid/kids transcripts. All we have to do in my state is provide 180 days of education each year, but the state leaves it up to me, to decided what that is. I have never had any interference with the state and my home school.
I hate that so many countries have made home schooling illegal. It is BS if you ask me. Home schooling to me is a natural right, shoot how do they think people were educated before the industrial revolution that normalized schools? Apparently they think there was no education before then.
Oh and I have never been asked for attendance records ever and my baby graduates in May....
Yes! it seems that America and Canada have a much better acceptance for home-schooling.
I just wonder how we would get our tinyhouse over the pond =)
I'm willing to leave countries behind but this is the most perfect, comfortable and cozy house we have ever lived in and we couldn't live without it.
@markwhittam: if it fits in a container, it doesn't have to be too bad...probably better than having to buy a new one and doing all the work on it. But then again, you'd have to weigh up the pros and cons for either I guess... Leaving it and not selling would always leave you with a home across the pond :) If that would be anyway possible. America is starting to hunt down 'other thinking people' now too, more restrictions in homeschooling and I think their CPS is probably one of the worst. I am starting to believe 3rd world countries are a better bet than any western one at the moment. (heck, we are ready for that revolution I think....)
I understand that totally and I am sure shipping overseas would be really really salty. I wish other countries would take our lead on home schooling. It is a constant fight to keep our rights to home school one it seems we fight yearly or nearly every year. We do have to watch them close as law makers are sneaky always trying to pass some restrictions. But so far we have stopped all of them in my state. My thoughts are with you my friend. Be safe
sell the dang thing and get a new one when you arrive. What's the big deal?
I have deep respect for you and your wife to stand by your beliefs even though society is trying to make it impossible for you to live by them. My boyfriend and I have the same dream, a house on the road and live a free life. I am also thinking about homeschooling myself, as our daughter is a free spirit too, and I don't want to bound her with the standards that are used in normal schools. I also want her to be able to explore her skills and try things she likes. But, she is now 2 years old, and here in Hungary she is obligated to go to kindergarten at the age of 3. I am already a bit scared for what's coming to us by then. On the other hand, I see ourselves moving somewhere else within the next year. But the thing is, how are the rules over there? I find the experiences her on @familyprotection very helpful as this is a part that I am not too known about yet, as she just a little baby when we left. Now it is in the near future (so it feels haha)and I read the same things, Europe is making it impossible. I don't think Hungary will be the country where we need to be when the time comes she is obligated to go to school. I think we need to explore other options. But I don't mind either, I am not bound to this country, and if it were up to me, I would love to see the world the next years to come. But wouldn't it be awesome if every free spirit in the world could live up to their beliefs? I hope you find the right place for your family, and in the meanwhile I keep following your journey :) Btw I feel for your wife, as she doen't get to celebrate those events with her family, I kind of know how it feels. As long as I haven't won a case against CPS / government about the children, I am too freaking scared to enter the country too. Something says I should stay away, but I am not sure why. Maybe the government is still afraid of me blowing the whistle, and they have a trick up their sleeves when I enter the border. And I am also scared that they will do something against our youngest as we tricked them (sort of anyway) by leaving the country. I can imagine they will try to take her as soon as they know where we stay in the country. Not taking that risk.. There will be only one reason for me to enter that border line.. To get my 2 oldest and leave again :)
We never had this luxury, but we will make sure that this is a reality for our children.
I believe we will find our place in this world and I hope that one day that you will find freedom and that your children find home.
Indeed, we didn't either but we will do our best to make sure the children (all of them) will.. Because that is what we will keep fighting for having them all together with us seeing the world.. thanks!
I know how you guys must feel. I have the same. Walls are closing in and not knowing what to do is my every day worry at the moment. What about Portugal? Isn't homeschooling legal there? The thing that gets me is that one country can have homeschooling legal but then vaccines are mandatory. It's driving me nuts. And I am also re-thinking our options for going abroad. Central and South America seem quite good regarding homeschooling (but not everywhere either). I am sure you will find a way! We will too. ❤️️
Yes! It seems that Ireland is really starting to come down on home-schoolers. I wonder if it is to force the travelling community to into houses and schools?
Portugal is a grey area, no one seems to know the rules because I have heard conflicting stories, I think it's possible if we start our own school which is not completely out of the question.
Portugal seems quite laid back but of course, if it's a gray area, it's hard to know exactly. For us, Portugal is still on the books. My kids were impressed by the country and the people, still talking about it and even the youngest, who was barely three in November, asks me why we don't live there now. Funny enough, I couldn't get as far away from the big city when I moved to Ireland from Holland, but after spending some time in Faro and Lisbon, I wouldn't even mind spending some time in the city.
Congratulations Mark to You, Your Family, the @FamilyProtection Team, @Canadian-Coconut, everyone that has written Posts, comments & UpVoted and many others that I may not even aware of...
Through the efforts of many... the message/awareness is going Global... Proudly ReSteemed...
Perhaps what @TecnosGirl suggested... Indiana may be good choice as far as home schooling.
Or perhaps the idea from @TaliaKerch, that in some places in Russia, the State pays the parents for homeschooling... or the idea You suggested in this post, the International (Montessori) school in Sweden.
Cheers on whatever decision Your Family chooses... GodSpeed...
What a horror show!
Thank God your lovely family has your heart protecting them.
Wherever you must go to allow them to continue to love to learn, as all children do until it's ground out of them by Prussian indoctrination methods in prisons for little kids, you must go.
I'm so sorry your troubles continue @markwhittam; been following your journey for a while now. It was always close to home because I was home/unschooled partly in Denmark and my parents dealt with an assortment of hassles even in the 1960s and 1970s.
The US/Canada (or "the Americas") might be one of the more attractive options you have, if you're up for the adventure. At least in the US, people CAN still home school, subject to SOME state-by-state regulations.
As for your tinyhouse, you can totally take it with you-- I know this because my cousins took their camper across the Atlantic. Since its dimensions are probably close to street legal limits, I would suggest a RORO (roll on, roll off) ferry-- there are surprisingly many options available, and it's what my cousins did because they wanted to tour the US and Canada in a camper for six months... and it turned out to be cheaper to take their own, than rent for such a period. You are basically charged in Euros per cubic meter. My cousins used Sea-Bridge (German company; Hamburg is the port of departure, convenient to Denmark), but there are many others. Of course, you also have to figure out visas and such, but that's a separate issue.
Anyway, I hope solutions will present themselves!
Thanks for the info, this gives me hope! We would love to go there and test it out but leaving our comfortable tinyhouse behind is not an option for us! This is the beat home we've ever had!
Thanks for the feedback @denmarkguy
Hi Mark,
I recommend Paraguay, where you could get a Permanent Residency quite cheaply (about 2000$ per adult if you use an agency) without the need to stay there permanently in the beginning to get the Residency.
Once you have the Residency, it is also easier to stay in the other Mercosur countries. I have not looked into the homeschooling situation there, but I guess the authorities don´t care so much about Gringo children and as long as you are willing to travel anyway through Southamerica, going to another country every three months or so, you should be fine anyway.
In general there is a lot of anarchist stuff going on in those countries south of the US, I think you will find your place there.
Personally, I prefer Asia, but the whole visa and property rights situation there for foreigners is much less favorable for long term stay.
Right now, I am still lazy and in hibernation, but maybe later this year I go to Paraguay and check it out.
Thank you @likedeeler! I would love to go and live deep in the Amazon, drink ayahuasca and become one with nature. ONE DAY!
Very interesting. I'm currently in Europe but the Central/South American situation certainly has it's appeal if things don't shift here.
Actually hoping you come to the US via the ferry. So much wild beautiful nature here, if not quite as much great architecture. There are so many places you can boondock here you could travel around the country, teaching as you go. I know a lot of people who were home schooled. The actual school system might be worse than in Europe, but much easier to stear clear of.
Mark I know that it feels like The Twilight Zone because every time you come so close it just feels like the same ol’ same ol’ all over again. I am really hoping you all find your “home” soon.
You said the very thing I fear, it seems eventually no matter where we go or live any type of school outside of the system will be banned and outlawed. That is a really scary feeling and I hope it never comes to that . Don’t give up Whittam family, wherever home is it is waiting for you!!! We’re all still hoping and praying for you all! ❤️
Thank you @crosheille!
You know me! I never give up, I'll just have to think outside the box and try out new possibilities, I do feel sorry for people who are more rooted and are starting to feel the pressure from the state. We are very lucky that we can move with the tides and avoid the tsunami’s!
Thank you for your prayers!
Maybe there is an solution. Start your own school. The European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools (Ecnais) http://www.ecnais.org/ good luck and respect on how you live your life.
Thank you! This is definitely an option we would love to explore! all we would need is the land and some people!
Thanks for the link.
If you go to the Netherlands it is very easy to start your own private school. I am absolutely for homescholing sometimes kids just don't like to be in school all day and they should not be forced by the system. Will be following you to see how things work out. Go for it!!
Thinking outside the box! Where there's a will there's a way. It would be interesting how many hoops you need to jump through for it.
Have you thought of returning to the UK? Last time I looked their homeschooling regulations seemed to pretty much be letting them know you'll be homeschooling. They still have a lot of travelers there too, so it would be hard to make sudden changes.
It's crazy that we are ending up having to be on the run just to be able to live our lives with our families.
This has crossed our minds on numerous occasions. My Family would love it if we returned but I can only handle England for a month or two before I get tired of all the traffic and the cost of living.
Thanks for the feedback.
Now you're reminding me why we left! Lol!
By the way, you aren't from the Midlands by any chance are you? Your accent in the video reminded me of home!
Hahaha! Yeah right, every time we go back it gets worse.
I was born in Wales but I grew up in London then Brighton, my accent has faded some what because when I first went to Sweden people couldn't understand my London accent so I was forced to tone it down a bit. =)
Haha! That explains it! I was wondering if there was a slight London accent, but dismissed it because it wasn't strong enough.
I have family in Wales, so that's a familiar and comforting accent.
@markwhittam Family is most important thing dear then houses . Where mother father and sister , brothers , wife ,childrens are living .
I feel for you @markwhittam . Conventional schooling just doesn't cut it anymore,it's eroding original values.
I live in Europe and it's becoming more and more totalitarian, even to the point that I think that in a couple of years we might have to move too.
I hope you will find a place where you can home school ......I wish I knew one, but I don't.
Wish you and your family all the best.
@markwhittam Zweden is pretty the same as The Netherlands. This was one of the reasons we choose New Zealand. It is not easy to get a resident visa, but we are almost there. It is pretty sad that you cannot go and live were you want (for long term), you always need documents, money and you have to deal with rules.
We would love to live in New Zealand, I shall follow your blog to see how it pans out for you!
Thanks @markwhittam ! Cool to see that we want the same kind of lifestyle for our family. You already found freedom, because you think outside the box.
what a brilliant and sincere story!
I don't know you and your family, but I do respect you and your choice! There are so few free and brave people like you nowadays.
The most people live in cages of society and they consider it to be normal, they are just blind.
I am going to homeschool my child too, he is too small now, but I study all information about it and I prepare myself for this process (that's why I make so many posts about it-).
In Russia it is legal. It is called Family Education here: a kid can study at home and pass exams at any school he chooses (or through the web) to get the official document about getting the education. So he will receive the same Certificate after passing the exams, as other school kids even if he was homeschoolled all the time.
And the speed of education can be chosen by parents, so kids can finish it much faster than in ordinary schools (6-7 years insted of 11 for example).
Though it's not widely-spread yet, but the popularity is growing, and people-homeschoolers fight for their rights (the state even has to pay such parents money, as the law says, and in some regions it's really so already).
Another question is that such parents meet negative atittude from the society, because they dare to be different, the society doesn't like it and tries to prevent and creates difficulties! but such people are strong to overcome it and not to let the System break their kids...
I have found supporters of Homeschooling only in Steemit and in the web, in my city people even don't know what it is...-(
I am ready to face pressure with this question and find ways out of it, just like you do, because our choice must be free and independent!
I have faced this pressure in the question of vaccination already, and I know that homeschooling will be just one more reason for protecting of my family's rights, but it's worth it.
You're brave and strong, I do belive you will find the best place for you and your wonderful family!
Thank you for this comment!
I like reading about places like Russia from people who actually live there, all we get hear about Russia is from the news and we all know that is just propaganda.
I think in every country you have a pressure to fit in and when you try to be different it can cause a few raised eyebrows. we know that in Sweden, it's not normal to want to home-school because it's more important for people to fit in and be "normal" whatever that means!
Thanks for your feedback!
oh, yes, how right you are...
I don't watch TV at all, because it's just impossible to see all this stupid trash or just well-made propaganda and hidden agitation for something. It's just brainwashing, and I'm shocked that most people even don't realize it...
I know what attitude to Russia Europe and American mass-media try to create, and it's a great pity many people belive it and really change the attitude to Russian people, I'm glad you're not of them!
being "normal" and being "like all the rest" is the most important thing here as well.
I thought it's blame of USSR politics, at that times it was really shame to differ in anything, all people considered it to be their duty to be equal, and to be like all the rest.
I'm a bit surprised that this feature is common for Europe countries too, this "disease" is popular...
thank you for reply!
The Whittam family is such a nice cute family. Let me tell you that your are not on the run, you are just free. Enjoy your freedom. I respect that you have sacrificed so much for your family but it is what is needed. And your mobile house is lovely.
You have a really beautiful and loving family, The Kids are so cute. . . I Love kids
Stay Happy and BlessedGlad To see you again @markwhittam
Thank you! =)
This post has helped come to the realization that we can overcome all the boundaries, that have been put in front of us by anyone, we can control our own lives, in this world where the government want to control everything, thanks for this great post... FREEDOM!!!!
Thank you! and yes we can overcome whatever comes in our way! It was scary at first but we are much freer now than ever before.
Indeed a very happy family I see from the pictures that you share. Are you going to leave Sweden? Why did you go? If I may know
Good luck Mark and family. We did the unschooling route for one of our kids, more out of necessity than choice. So very glad we did, but there were/are challenges as a result. Worth it for sure. Wishing you the best. Godspeed.
My heart and my prayers are with you Dear Whitthams. I pray you encounter the utopia you so long for your children soon. God bless you all.
Thank you @kryptocoin!
We are very close my friend! We could just settle for anywhere that has a more relaxed approach than Sweden, but I really want to live in peace without ever having to worry, and because we are nomadic it makes sense to shop around a bit!
This is so cool!! Many children are homeschooled in Canada. The homeschooler parents have a network where they share information. The kids that have been homeschooled are pretty amazing when they mature!
Yes! I am hearing wonderful things about Canada when It comes to home-schooling!
There are other places in the world besides Europe to live free and un-school your children. Just do a little research and plan for a bigger move. It can be done. I moved my family 3000 miles.
Thank you! I'm starting to think along these lines, we would miss our tinyhouse, but then we could just build another one! =) I would love to check out New Zealand! or Bali
You have a beautiful home on wheels, the law where we are is if you are a full resident then the do want your children to go to school but if you are seen as a traveller and only come here for part of the year that law does not apply to you. I think also that is why a lot of us live in vehicles so that we can have the freedom to chose how to educate our children. don't lose hope there is always a way x
I know, but I have heard stories of the Guardia asking a French couple who were parked down ciggy for a week on holiday why there children were not in school, they even threatened them! I think it's ok if you stay under the radar but I'm not like that, I want my children to walk tall and proud and not have to bow to anyone.
Thanks for stopping by!
Yeah I hear you, we can't wait to be able to get our engine sorted and then we will hit the road. it was never our intention to be here this long, it's just a finance thing for us, but I would like to be on the road for a few more years at least.x
I'm unschooling with no dramas in Western Australia. We are technically supposed to be following the curriculum but it's so broad you could cover it easily from just doing what you're doing already and then some. You do have to "answer" to the Education Department but this is done by registration and an annual meeting with a moderator and when you have a good one that understands unschooling and that gets you (which I do), there are no problems. I get snarky at having to do it every now and again but practically it's a hell of a lot easier than a lot of other places.
We unschooled in both Oregon and Arizona without any issues. We're just finally done. Phew. Things change all the time and are getting notably stricter as time goes by from what I see. Arizona requires that you do some particular subjects, but unlike @ryivhnn in Australia, I believe it was just some occasional paperwork and no meetings at all. But again, things do change.
What a beautiful Family!! Bring em to Hawaii...More laid back here. Lots of parks to camp out in.
Wow! I have never thought about Hawaii, I wish my tinyhouse was amphibious!
Hawaii is so expensive. Last time I was there in 1997 milk was $7 for a gallon. Beautiful place but you gotta have money to afford to live on those islands.
Very nice post, please give me about the procedures to be professional stamians, I am very happy if you want to give me upvote in every post I, for your willingness and time I thank you. Signed. @zayanfaruk
and since they were born they have never been without their Mother.The best family or i can say the perfect team squad @markwhittam ...the best heading "We live and breath for our children
And for the last 6 years I, their Father, have only worked 6 months
a year so that I can spend as much time as possible with my family".
Yeah you are on the right path...your post reflects it all...thumbs up...stay blessed team..!
My heart goes out to you. Here in the states, there are still a few choices. There was recently a mass Exodus from California because of SB277, which mandates vaccines, even for those involved with state-funded homeschooling and the bill was written open-ended so more restrictions can be added. So frustrating! Holding your sweet family in love and light.
Since when does the state fund home schoolers? Indiana doesn't but even if they did I wouldn't want their funding because with their funding comes regulation. I knew I made a smart move moving away from CA. Indiana is easy to home school in and our homeschool groups keeps the state out of Home Schoolers business. CA is scary with the
shitcrap they do. Did you know CA and AZ has the highest rate of taking kids from their parents and forcing adoptions. CPS tried pulling shit with me when I lived in CA it is why I moved back home. Being harassed by CPS for being poor isn't something I was going to mess with.It was a charter school where an Educational Specialist (aka credentialed teacher) would come to your house each month and review progress, etc. When I was first homeschooling and waking up it was a nice transition, plus I was lucky that my ES happened to be a friend and we used the funds wisely to stock up on art supplies and music /art lessons! However, I'm glad we left when we did. Now we're independently eclectically homeschooling (unschooling w/ a Waldorf-ish flair) in Idaho and loving it! I don't even want to go back to visit!
Oh the public charter schools that we marketed heavily as a home school and though done at home follows the same rules as PS. I tried that for a minute myself but it was a hybird school we did 2 days a week at the learning center and 3 days at home. Been there done that lol I love not having restrictions.
Ours was much more lenient, and with my friend as ES, we still schooled in our own style. I was very lucky, but yeah, the freedom in Idaho is awesome.
YOu have a beautiful family . Stay blessed
Ow dude, I feel for your guys this struggle of not being able to make the choices which you want. I feel like there is a place for you in Panama or Costa Rica or those kinds of regions. Totally different that Europe of course, but it sounds like you guys are reading for anything.
I wish you all the best of luck and hope that the system will give you options somewhere.!
Really excellent photo & beautiful family I cried when I read about the part of you sending people that are in need of answers links to some of the articles we have written here. This is the reason I have the strength to continue to write the posts I do.
It also reminded me of a phrase I once read. I can not remember from where though. "Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it". If anything I hope the experiences and knowledge we share will one day save someone else family from going through these things.
Knowledge is power.
Thank you for this post. It means a lot more than you know.
Stop posting unrelated comments here and I am 100% sure this comment is a copied comment. I remember @curlfamilyvlog made this comment about 10 days ago. So whoever you are, you are spamming, plagiarizing and making nuisance here. Desist from this practice!
Dios los bendiga y los proteja de todo mal.
Cuídense, cuídalos y cuídate.
Saludos y Gracias por existir
a very good post I like. happy family.
you should visit New Hampshire.
Child Protection Agency, bringing children from their loving families.
full family protect?
Is your story entire published somewhere? Are you looking for more outlets to publish it? God Bless you and your family. We are all pilgrims here on earth, just passing through....
Have you thought about Australia? My sister has been home schooling her children and a friend is home schooling her son. I don't know much about what is needed to do it here. Though there are a lot that home school in Australia.
I'm sorry to hear that your options in Europe are disappearing. From what I have read you are right about this. There are very few, if any, places left in Europe that will allow you to homeschool/unschool without filing reports and having the kids tested at regular intervals.
I hope you find your place soon and that you will be able to enjoy the journey as well.
We will be in Sweden for part of the summer and will miss you guys if you don't make it up north.
Hi,friend yes you a real hero.Your courage and willpower bring you in that level ,where every parent have the strength to fight for the family.I wish you all the very best ,may help you to find your final destinations.
It is one of the most frustrating bits about life here, where it seems that we are free at so many levels.
Unfortunately the powers that are (hopefully) soon not to be know that our Achilles heals are our children and they legislate accordingly.
However I feel that the more they legislate and contract, the weaker they become, as more and more people become conscious of their nonsense. I think that we will be beyond this soon, even if things can seem tough right now.
Wow! It is nice to see a simple and happy family!
@markwhittam always remember this as a parent like us,
Proverbs 22:6
King James Version (KJV)
6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
And tell this verse to your children as a homeschool parent-teacher.
Ephesians 6:1-3
King James Version (KJV)
I hope this is a great vibe for you to enlighten your good day. God bless you brother and your family.
I wish you to your family.
Happy family!! You can create a tree of your family using photos.. See this website https://www.myheritage.com/site-54639142/whittam-family-site#notificationPanelAnchor
days with family is a very beautiful thing in living this life, we can always share together, happy always for always faithful with your family