FREEDOMS taken. SAD day for AUSTRALIA .10YRS Jail for Freedom of speech .NEW LAW

in #freedom8 years ago

Vaccine Skepticism In Australia Now Punishable By 10 Years In Jail

June 10, 2017 Baxter Dmitry News, World 318


Australian nurses who dare to speak out against the dangers of vaccinations will be prosecuted, the Australian government has warned.

Australian nurses and midwives who dare to speak out against the dangers of vaccinations on social media or in person will be prosecuted, the Australian government has warned, urging members of the public to report vaccine skeptics to the authorities.
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Medical professional face a jail sentence of 10 years for expressing doubt about the effectiveness of vaccinations or urging further studies into vaccine safety. Opponents of the new law claim free speech and scientific integrity is under attack in Australia by a government that has been bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

“With no exceptions we expect all registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives to use the best available evidence in making practice decisions. This includes providing information to the public about public health issues,” Chair of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Dr. Lynette Cusack said in a statement.

The NMBA has called on Australians to report nurses or midwives promoting anti-vaccination – ‘anti-vaxxers’, as they’re known colloquially.
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“The board will consider whether the nurse or midwife has breached their professional obligations and will treat these matters seriously,” the statement said.

“Any published anti-vaccination material and/or advice which is false, misleading or deceptive which is being distributed by a registered nurse, enrolled nurse or midwife (including via social media) may also constitute a summary offence under the National Law and could result in prosecution by AHPRA [Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.]”

One of the strongest supporters of vaccination, Victoria’s Health Minister Jill Hennessy, has no time for parents who believe vaccine safety requires further study in order to ensure they are safe for our children.

Describing vaccine skeptics as “brain dead sheep“, the politician said:
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“They are an organized movement, largely stemming from the United State of America that are hell bent on misleading parents that vaccinations are unsafe.

“That’s a dangerous message and one I’m going to continue to fight. Vaccinations save lives,” the minister concluded.

According to the new laws, parents who don’t immunize their kids may stop receiving childcare benefits. Only people with solid medical reasons are exempt from the crackdown.

This article was written by Baxter Dmitry
Article Scourced from NEWS WIRE


I was lucky enough to get in on the conscientious objection form before it was removed but just today they have told me the benefits will be cut off.I'm going into the doctor tomorrow to attempt to get it back by producing the documents and see how we go. my 7 year old was in perfect health and when she had the first "array" of infections/injections and oral treatment she got very sic and developed an eating disorder that took me 4 years to overcome. she still isn't back to way she was but at least she only got that one dose. My 4 year old never had any and he is healthier, stronger and bigger than all the kids in grade 1 at my daughters school. Im a shorty and so is my wife . if that makes me a sheep then that fat ugly bitch at the health department can kiss my wooly ass....

oh and when she got that vaccination there was "contaminated" batch shortly after that and 100 baby ended up in hospital. this was 2009 in perth.


We are here in America and we were lucky with our first two to have no problems but they only got the first couple of rounds of vaccines before we learned just how bad they were. Our third has had none and our fourth one on the way will have none. Since we have chosen this path we have no other choice but to home school our children but that is okay because we were planning on doing that anyways.

It makes a big difference brother . We where absolutely amazed at the difference

Wow what an interesting post and discussion. I'm somewhat overwhelmed by this and it's not like I'm new to the concept of government tyranny. What staggers me is how we seem to have to live dual lives. We read something fundamentally Orwellian such as this but then march off to work as if nothing is wrong the next day... as we are still a cog in the machine.

It still feels and perhaps always feel lonely voicing thoughts such as these and with a decade locked in a cage on the table, I suspect it's going to get lonelier.

Thank goodness for steemit and the wonderful community here who can provide an ecosystem for legitimate and warranted rebellion.

Dont you just love the nazi line" report vaccine skeptics to the authorities."
Next they will rounding us all up.

That one was so thinly veiled it was actually quite shocking. 1984!!

Moves 1984 from Fiction shelf to Non-fiction shelf....
This is a scary movement. And a strong one with billionaires like bill gates and mark Zuckerberg behind it.......But not stronger than pissed off parents with nothing left to lose....I personally have done enough research to know that vaccines are NOT for me and mine.....But I think freedom of choice is whats truly at stake here....

They are also talking about charging non-vaxxing parents $14 per week, per child as a 'tax'....Like seriously?! What in the actual fuck!
They are OUR employees. Not Our BOSSES.


Totally agree @ancientmystique and sorry for the delayed reply. There's a lot of weight behind movements like this and I fear that the uninformed, heaving, drooling masses will just "go with the flow" like the boiling frog such that by the time things get really bad there will be no momentum to reverse the trend.

It's infuriating to have behaviour dictated in increasingly brazen and overreaching manners. It is a foreign concept now to think politicians work for the populace. Bad times are brewing.

I've seen a videos of nurses that were told they could not work at the hospital unless they themselves were vaccinated here in the states. This is sad :( It's heart breaking when corporations succeed in stealing the rights of the people. Especially when it's sold as for the good of society. Boo
Yet the only way to stop this is by informing others as to what is happening . Thanks for sharing.

Back in 1998 I was hired in a Government Job and was told I didnt get the job unless I was vaccinated.
It was before I was awake and I took it.
So angry now.
They tried to line my daughter up at school for a vax. I kept her home that day.

A lot if areas here like Fairfield ct demand children be vaccinated. They aren't allowed to attend school if they aren't. The school calls your house to " remind" you if your deadline is up. They even get demanding if they've had to call you to call you more then once. Speaking from family experience.

Yes we have the same sort of thing in Sydney Australia. The government keeps sending notice to vaccinate and the preschools wont let you children go there and they stop any welfare the family may receive for low income or tax benefits.

They stop taxing you too, though right? :)
That's the problem with churn. They take from everyone, and give back to the obedient.

Yes they just need obedient brain dead sickly servants.

It is not too late. There are still good people in this world. It is true that most people are buried under economic burden, but there are still good leaders out there fighting the good fight.
One of my favorite leadership teachers is Orrin Woodward, He uses the example of the flight attendant informing the passengers on the safety procedures of the plane. He or she tells them, "In the case of a drop in cabin pressure. At the release of the air mask. Put your mask on first. Then help those around you. " That's why learning good money and life deciplines is important. If you can secure your household now your free to give it your maximum effort. You also inspire others to do the same. Those laws were only allowed to be written because their weren't enough free people to stop it. I know it's easier said then done, but "what man has done man can do." Napoleon Hill. I heard him say that in one of his lectures posted on YouTube lol

Thanks for the comment.
I'm glad you still have faith in the system.
I personally think the table is tilted , we don't have a chance.
Make to much noise and people are disappeared.

Well its a failing system. But human will power is very powerful. It's just that so much of our pollution has been misguided. Too many people are unaware of their rights. If you don't know it's your, you won't protect it.
It's like trying to explain water to a fish. I'm sure you've heard the saying. A fish only discovers water when it's been removed from it. Lol

How is this not totalitarian??
It blows me away that that dickhead minister would dare call those/me who question the norm, sheep!!

It is very worrying. Im glad my kids are almost grown up, but i really worry about those with little kids who dont want to inject them with poison and laboratory made viruses!

Thanks Suzy , It is a disgrace. These disgusting people think they have a right to violate our bodies. How do the know its safe and effective. 20,000 years of humanity and only the last two generations have received vaccinations. And 50 years ago it was one or two vaccines not twenty or more from the time the baby is 4 hours old. And they wonder why we dying of a plethora of illnesses.
I have two words BY DESIGN

That's exactly right. I don't think there's been a time in history that humans have died and been ill from so many non communicable diseases. And it doesn't take Eienstien to be able to see that when humans did die and succumb to communicable diseases, the living conditions were far from how we live in western countries today.
I have three words: HOW DARE THEY!


FUCK FUCK FUCK. this is some very sad and horrible news. I knew this was coming and as fucked as it is I guess I'm grateful its in AUS and not USA. U people better stand u and do something or its just gonna get worse!
Keep us updated on the news...Also do u have any SOURCES for this info? U should include them in ur post for better credibility.

Thanks for your comments.
I just added an article scource link to the bottom of the post

Yes, very important here on Steemit to give your source, otherwise it is considered plagiarism and you`ll get flagged.
I would have given the article a much bigger vote, if you had put your own thoughts into the main post.
On Steemit, we want to hear YOUR thoughts, not just other people's info quoted.
I voted up some of your comments instead.

This topic is VERY important.
I regularly post about vaccinations.

GJ, it will help u, I am only trying to make u more successful here on steemit!



Following you

I hope to be able to bring content of REAL value!

Socialised medicine just gets worse and worse. Like a sick, Faustian pact.

They disgust me.

"It takes a village to raise a child"

  • Scariest story I ever heard.


This is a problem with socialized medicine. Since the government is the one paying, they feel they own you.

This kind of stuff really bothers me. If we don't even have free speech or the freedom to own ourselves, what does that make us?

You are right we are becoming their slaves


Never thought the australian government would be so dedicated about pushing forward the vaccination to the extent of compromising the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech should not be abused in my opinion, but in no way could I see that this nurse is abusing the freedom. Just unacceptable for the government to act this way

Yes the government has been upset about people voicing concern about vaccines for a while now.
So once and for all they make a law to shut them up.


Government asks people to report back to them on skeptics , 10 years jail.......SOUND FAMILIAR ,,,DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR TO ANYONE.
If we accept this we are going down the same route.

this is shocking. Thanks for spreading the word. Resteemed Upvoted followed

Thanks Mark.

Following you to.


That meme at the bottom, I posted the same words on channel 9's facebook page in a comment about vaccines. And I got 50 death threats in the replies. Also in my comment I put in there, you get what you pay for. So if you do decide to vaccinate your child or even get a flu shot, get the high costing one. Just like on the street, you pay for what you get.

Thanks for commenting.
Keep your chin up , only the weak minded resort to threats.
I wont be poisoning my children.

I commented on channel 9's page months back. I stop commenting lately as I prefer to use steemit instead of facebook. I still go on there to see what shit is being posted. It is funny as lately there has been heaps of comments saying the mainstream media is misleading the people. Its like 3/4 of the comments are like that, while there is still so many sheep still believing them. Just like today I said to my father if he had heard about 2 major banks in Italy closed down last friday. And asked if he had heard it on the news. He said nope not a peep from the mainstream media.

Followed you


Actually, a second comment from me @marky to say I'm resteeming this one. Thanks.

Thank you.

This is one of the many reasons I am in favor of less government, not more. The more I rely on the government, the more control they have over me. The one good side is that people must be waking up to the dangers of vaccines, or else the politicians wouldn't feel the need for this law.

Well said.
I would actually abolish the government in this form all together and install a system like the durry system where a few thousand people from all over the country are asked to serve for a term.
All the career polliticians and elite criminals would be out of a job and the people running the show would be everyday people eg farmers,truck drivers ,ect. NOT HIGHLY EDUCATED PEOPLE ALLOWED .
Educated people should be on tap not on top .JFK



great post my dear friend:))

Thanks buddy

You welcome:))

wow that is brutal. it is up to us what we want to put in our body

Yes its our decision not theirs.
Freedoms are eroding quickly and the sheeple are supporting this

Infractions such as these are happening all over the world. Big Brother feels his grip loosening so he's raising the ante to put the rest of us in check.

What happens when he gets desperate?

Thats when the round up begin.


Eye opener article, marky! Heading towards an enslaved generation, by a World Government. First forced vaccination, then guess what follows....

Let us not ever forget the famous words of Martin Niemoller, a protestant pastor who spent the last seven years(!) of the Nazi regime in concentration camps:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Well said.
Following you

Good to see some more discussions appearing here and being informed with information that has not been spewed by our propoganda BBC machine. Following.

thos bastards!


And that Nasty woman has the gaul to call us brain dead sheep.

Great article. What I hate is the hysterical reactions that you get if you ever question the holy grail- vaccination.

The level of effort made to discredit questioning vaccines makes me more suspicious of them. To be honest I do mot know too much about it, but I am sensitive to how much the media push against anyone trying to question it.

They shout you down.
I was told by a young female work colleague. It was child abuse not to vaccinate my children. That I should be ashamed.

Followed you

"Opponents of the new law claim free speech and scientific integrity is under attack in Australia" not just under attack, but a war against freedom itself in this country, in which we've been utterly defeated already.

Unfortunately you tell the truth.

These are the things that concern me. The slow eroding of what little freedon we have.

Yes and this is a big move against us.
I have heard that they often try these things on smaller population countries and if little resistance is met they roll it out in other countries.

Interesting I'm following you too. So much has changed in Australia.

Following you

This is a message that needs to be shared. Upvoted and resteemed and followed!!

It's really sad. That is all I will say.

Yes indeed

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Oh i do believe in vaccination positive and protective effects. What i dont believe in - its my minister of health, guy who earned his villa in Monaco by profiting on intentionally inducted cytostatics shortage, by manipulating dialysis patients, and getting vaccine shots from Thailand for cheap so he can profit. I dont believe to any doctor who didnt raise his voice against that. Im sorry, but i wont risk my kids health. Last year there was 13 elementary school kids collapsing after vaccination in my town. News was like - they collapsed for unknown reasons. I was working in media for very long time. Any story or investigative article related to vaccines was stopped till its still just an idea. No way to publish anything like that in any commercial media. Its just too much red lights blinking.

Mandatory vaccination is a war crime under the Nuremberg code. All medical procedures done without informed consent are war crimes.