Appreciate the post, the first thing that comes to mind is Arnold Patent's Universal Principles, pretty much the same laws but broken down with explanations and further implications. Highly recommend checking them out if you haven't already.
Touching on whether or not channeling is real or simply a hoax, I personally think this stuff is all belief based. Our beliefs are reflected back to us in external reality, which means that all this stuff about them being a civilisation existing somewhere else in the Universe is very much true to those that choose believe it, as it becomes real in their perceptions. Bashar is simply another way of accessing eternal truths, just like some religions or spiritual practices. Ankar and other channels that claim to be channeling from Bashar are actually entering a higher state of consciousness which grants them greater clarity when it comes to describing eternal truths. My guess is that this group of people chose to put a label on their state of consciousness when this information is made available to them. But I realise this explanation is also based on a belief.
But hey, we are leaving in a subjective reality. And if an implication of these eternal truths is that all things that could ever exist is all here right now, that we are only seeing a small portion of it, and the only way we can consciously perceive anything is by focusing our awareness on it, then who's to say Bashar isn't real for those that have expanded their awareness onto it.
Having actually had physical encounters with non human vehicles 3 times, I am clear that they do visit - I would not be at all surprised that Bashar are 'real' beings - however, I would also not be at all surprised to find that other explanations are more accurate. ;)