My recent favourite quote is "If voting made any difference, it would be illegal."
By nature, we are hierarchical animals. In small groups this was never a real issue, but as we've evolved and our groups have amalgamated into big country sized groups and this tendency to want to be near the top of the hierarchy has gotten all out of proportion and created tyranny.
In theory we should be able to change this and evolve in an enlightened way, because the masses outnumber the controllers enormously. Unfortunately, most of the masses can't seem to escape their evolutionary programming to see this, so those that could make a difference are outnumbered by the ones who fear breaking the mould.
I like to say "If politics was intended to solve problems, the problems would already be solved".
We all have our own nature and my nature is to change and evolve - so I am neither hierarchical or non hierarchical by nature - I am simply change itself. At this point I have changed to understand that hierarchy is counterproductive for the individual and since we are all individuals before we are part of a group, hierarchy is also counter productive for groups.
We can change the conditioning and programming, absolutely - it has already been done by many of us - but not by the majority. We need to be ok with disconnecting from the activities of the majority now.
How very true!
I think we are okay doing this, unfortunately the majority isn't okay with people disconnecting.