We Are All Gods

in #freedom9 years ago (edited)

It's true.

We all have the power to make everlasting impressions, not only in our own lives, not only to the world, but to the very essence of existence itself. I am not talking here about small insignificant change, I'm talking about creating and even modifying our own reality, and all that is required is to unlock the power of your own mind.

The power of infinity

Infinity is an interesting concept. It eludes precise definition. Sure it's an easy concept to understand at its core, infinity is endlessness, it goes on forever. But when you really try to pin down the idea of infinity is where it gets tricky, as it has some truly mind shattering mechanics. For example, infinity can be contained in finite spaces. There are an infinite number of fractions between 0 and 1, the set of possible acomplishments in a single lifetime is also infinite. Additionally, infinity can be multiplicitive. You can create new infinities, within other infinities, to infinity! Woah. When you start to wrap your brain around the implications of this where things start to get really weird. What this means is that YOU can not only CREATE, new Infinities, but you already have, and you do so all the time!

Infinite Feedback

Now, lets take a broader look at the implications here. When you impose infinity, it takes your form. You have defined a new infinity, which begs you to approach another perspective. Well here I am, looking down into infinity, that I have created, but what is the source of this infinity? What does the infinity above me contain? Where does it come from? The mere observation of this infinite regress can make you realize that not only have you created it, but that in observing it, IT CAN CHANGE YOU. Therefore, it's not difficult to realize that we can shape our own reality, so long as the imposer of this infinity is observing.

The Power of Positivity

Now, considering all this newfound power, lets put it to good use! Might as well right? When you realize this power, that you have the potential to change existence itself, it's intoxicating, but also loaded with responsibility. A responsibility that affects you, whatever choices you make with this responsibility will inevitably come back around to you. So it is in your best interest to wield that power in the name of positivity. If you hold this positivity close by, It will literally morph the universe around you. It will ripple through, and the more efficiently you learn to channel this power the bigger the ripples get.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day folks!