Socialism in Venezuela works fine. However, the US has a bad habit of overthrowing democratically elected governments of isolated nations it doesn’t agree with. Especially small countries coming out of decades of colonialism. So much for the spreading of democracy. It starts by the use of "Sanctions" to deprive them of toilet paper and tooth paste which causes social unrest for example. Socialism of Hugo Chavez worked great and many people still support it. The US works to undermine it because Venezuela is sitting on the largest oil reserves in the world (corporations are sad that the money goes to the people). That is why they are pushing for regime change (here we go again). All of central America has been ravaged by Western European colonialism that robs them of their resources and destroyed their autonomy because the colonizing powers had no intention of building up infrastructure for an independent nation. Unfortunately they rely too heavily on the import/export economy and heavily subsidize their economy on oil. So when oil prices get hit, so does their economy. The US encouraged Saudi Arabia to increase oil production (and others) to affect the prices in Venezuela. The US funds opposition parties to destabilize their governments (as well as many others throughout the world, (think Iran/Contra).
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I invite you to come to Venezuela, but of course, words and actions are never the same.
Wrong, Venezuela with oil prices as low as 10$ and even lower had a much better situation than the current one that has oil prices higher than 40$.
Besides, the national budget was always calculated based on the oil at 60$ (which was a mistake because prices like that are unsustainable), so the extra 40$ from when the oil was at 100$ should be saved somewhere. But of course, most people don't know this, and some even decide to ignore information like this to defend something that cannot be defended.
If you are so in favor of this system, then come visit it. This ideology never works, it never did, and it never will. Only freedom breeds prosperity, not government totalitarian control over people.
I don't think that you would ever acknowledge the millions of deaths that socialism and it's relative communism are guilty of but there is that. Also, there are people dying of hunger, literally. There has never been famines in any democracy, ever. I would recommend reading Amartya Sen. The fact that the USA has indeed sponsored the fall of regimes even in South America as you did not point out interestingly enough, does not negate under ANY circumstance the crimes of said regimes. You might want to google what was Hugo Chavez's net worth at his time of death (about $1 Billion USD). See.. the thing is socialism is great business for government and it portrays itself as benign for it's "giving" ethos but it is totally detrimental to countries and I would go as far as saying reprehensible.