You must be really strong going through all this and still being bold enough to speak out for the right cause. The justice system almost everywhere is broken.
This message has to go to the very far to all people going through this as well, and am starting a campaign on my social plarform to speak for those in prison and are treated unfairly.. It is worse here in Africa, where it's hard to have a say when your locked up.
Thanks for reminding us to fight for the right cause
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Yes, Government has become #OUTOFCONTROL and is a worldwide epidemic and can be traced back to B.A.R. attorney's which is nothing more than an organized worldwide crime ring. which all judges are BAR members and they use the Police and in some countries the military to enforce their laws on the citizens. Check out we have several African Country pages on Facebook. @joanstewart
I've checked out CitizensActionNetworks. And am starting to follow up the campaign. I'll get to make some difference here in Africa through this.
This is a good thing you are doing