Independence Is The Only True Freedom.

in #freedom2 years ago (edited)

To depend on someone is to be under there power. Those who wish to control you will provide for you. They will attempt to take from you your ability to provide for yourself. first through convenience then by force. Once you have lost the skills and resources needed to look after your self and you depend on them for everything, they will take it away.

We have almost all become dependent. We depend on grocery stores for our food so we eat what they provide. We depend on Real estate agents and developers for our housing so we live where they want us to live. We depend on television for our entertainment so we feel how they want us to feel. They have infiltrated all aspects of life. They are the providers and we are the dependents.

If we can all learn to look after our self, then, and only then can we look after others. Produce for your self what you need and share the surplus. This way you can be free and responsible (able to respond). Free men and women are happy, productive, sharing, caring and loving. If every individual could provide for them self and a little more, no one would want for anything. All things would be abundant.

The journey to freedom can begin tomorrow for you. One seed can grow a tree. A tree can produce tones of fruit. Each fruit contains many seeds. I hope I have planted a seed and you can grow into a tree.