Daily 30 Popular Posts with 'freedom' tag

in #freedom7 years ago

※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.

1. Minorities who pose some kind of social threat will be monitored.

@dana-edwards, 81 votes, 10 replies, $10.06

2. ACTIVIST POST: LIBERTY Always Under Attack: Speeches / Peaceful Protests / Federal / Provincial / Local Politicians Called Out -- So I Meme'd it For You.

@barrydutton, 83 votes, 3 replies, $20.87

3. A Key to Success No Matter What.... Be the Best Version of YOU. A Day at a Time. Some Thoughts from a Guy That Actually Cares. Inspired by an 1854 Published Author / Woodsman - Henry David Thoreau. E.11

@barrydutton, 76 votes, 5 replies, $27.06

4. Fight for Net Neutrality - Defend the Free & Open Internet! | CRYPTO 101: VIDEO: World Crypto Network Daily Stream from Today: (~6 mins) | News of the Day with Thomas and the WCN Crew. |

@barrydutton, 63 votes, 0 replies, $21.85

5. The Free Trade Ideal

@adamkokesh, 55 votes, 5 replies, $25.51

6. When Rabid Anarchists Invade a Shopping Mall #2

@mikebluehair42, 54 votes, 0 replies, $0.10

7. uncage your animal!be happy

@ahabib, 35 votes, 3 replies, $0.04

8. ID refusal. micro tyrants give me a giggle every single time without fail.

@mikebluehair42, 28 votes, 7 replies, $1.34

9. Roses and brambles

@jessicavilliams, 20 votes, 6 replies, $18.11

10. Law of Success in 16 Lessons by Napolean Hill - including how to do the MASTERMIND of the "Dark Occult"

@in2itiveart, 23 votes, 2 replies, $0.74

11. Daily 30 Popular Posts with 'freedom' tag

@lemona, 21 votes, 0 replies, $0.15

12. #35 "Create A Life You Don't Need A Vacation From"

@ashvinmaid, 17 votes, 0 replies, $0.02

13. I Have the Right To Keep and Bear Arms...and that RIGHT Should Not Be Infringed (but not in Denver, CO)

@in2itiveart, 15 votes, 1 replies, $1.31

14. Which one are you?

@mdcclxxvi, 9 votes, 1 replies, $0.02


@shubrodyuti, 9 votes, 1 replies, $0.01

16. Quote: Don't be afraid...

@scores-wta, 9 votes, 0 replies, $0.01

17. Scenery here is good location background, Blue Sky, Green ...

@satyaisukapatla, 6 votes, 2 replies, $0.00

18. The Ashke-Nazi Jews & Jesuits Are The Real Nazis

@jjyeshua, 5 votes, 0 replies, $0.09

19. Idiocracy Cop Watching #1 These guys were Special!

@mikebluehair42, 4 votes, 0 replies, $0.06

20. When Rabid Anarchists Invade a Shopping Mall #1

@mikebluehair42, 4 votes, 0 replies, $0.06

21. Idiocracy Cop Watch #2 this pack of sub normal IQs were special

@mikebluehair42, 2 votes, 0 replies, $0.06

22. See wat this helpless man did

@joebrens, 1 votes, 0 replies, $0.00

23. abolish the TSA

@rockjocky, 1 votes, 0 replies, $0.00


great my post is also in the list at 12 @ashvinmaid
good to see all
