“The American People are being slaughtered.” The courts are railroading The American People into slavery.

in #freedom7 years ago

All Americans are deemed to be “unindicted co-conspirators”. They are all consider Enemy Combatants and belligerents.




Good article. That's how i feel most of the time. Like an enemy combatant in my own country. Maybe its not our country anymore.

Thanks much! It's OUR Country, the united States for America is our country. What we have is a Foreign Corporation called The United States of America that has overrun OUR Country. The Fraud goes back to 1861.


i guess we need to lay some blame on Lincoln then.

That is correct, that is what true history shows. He gave us the LIEBER CODE and We the People are still under that CODE which is Military Rule Law.

I didn't know Lincoln was inspired by Franz Lieber's philosophy. Thanks for letting me know.