@bi5h0p , I don't appreciate you using my comment as an opportunity to air your grievances. why not just make your own comment??? AFAIK Trevon was hella upfront that BCC could be a scam, but it was a scam that was paying!! did i ever invest in lending, no, did i profit from holding BCC coins, yes.
so tempted to flag not on ur content but because u jacked my post!
either way, i still love to see young blacks get money!!!
I do appreciate it. These fucks need to be exposed and go to jail. Just a matter of time
stop tryna grab attention on my post, just post ur own comment and then upvote that for visibility, im strarting to get annoyed with this shit and may begin flagging replies that arent specifically related to my comments
and you got hidden posts on your blog from 3 fucking days ago talking about money YOU made from BCC!!!! WTF is ur game??
actually dont even reply please!
Your account value is the same as mine so go ahead and flag away. I'll make sure to do the same you child.
"Tryna"?! Wow you're real gangster. Lmfao. Douche
Now I'm gonna post on every reply you make. Fucking twat.