My Opinion: On Destiny

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

While I was growing up,when events such as the loss of a job by a relative or neighbour, missing an appointment, loss of life, fatal or non-fatal accidents, a glass cup falling from a table occured,people that consoled or offered words of encouragement to the victims of these events do so by either telling them "it's destiny" or "it's fate,it was bound to happen and there is nothing you could have done to avoid it".So before I was in secondary school, I was already programmed to follow this line of thinking that I virtually have no control over the events that happens in my life.The destiny I'm talking about here is the claim that:
the outcome of every event has been predetermined and no matter the path taken by the event the outcome will always be the same.

As I progress through secondary school (High school), I started thinking,if the outcome of every event has been predetermined by a natural force, then a student that will fail a particular examination will always fail no matter how big the effort he/she put in preparing for the examamination,likewise a student that has been destined to pass will pass irrespective of whether he/she has an understanding of the subject.Also I thought, if this concept of destiny is correct then a wicked man is wicked simply because that how nature made him, a surgeon is a surgeon because that what nature what him to be and no matter what he did differently, he would never become somthing else lets say a farmer or an account, and in like manner I didn't write this post just because I want to, but nature made me do it and that's what nature want.

Then naturally, the idea of hardwork and due diligence should not exist, the concepts of right and wrong, choice and free will, and sin should not exist also. So when then do we reward people for the good they do and punish them for the bad they do, since nature made them do it and they are in control of the events that led to this behaviours?