The Philosophy Of Freedom
What does it mean to be free? Simply put being free means you can do whatever you want without anybody else telling you what to do. There is a condition to being free that can not be broken without serious consequences. “Do no harm.” Being free means you can do whatever you want as long as you follow the golden rule. This means while enjoying your rights and freedom you must not infringe on the rights of others. It means you may travel wherever you wish to travel but must not trespass on the land of another. It means not making a mess with littering or pollution because everybody has the right to enjoy a clean and healthy environment. Being free means you are a responsible and respectful individual that is accountable for your actions. As a Canadian citizen you may think you are free but you could not be more wrong.
What does it mean to be Canadian? To answer this question we must first know what Canada is. This is easily answered because Canada has a constitution. A constitution is an explanation of what something is and how it works. If you look at the top of the Canadian Constitution it clearly states at the top of the document “Copyright Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Canada”. This means that whatever you may think Canada is, it is the property of the Queen because she holds the copyright. This makes her the authority because she holds the rights of the author. Most people think she is just a figurehead but this is clearly not the case. This is what the powers that be want us to think because they want to keep us ignorant willing slaves that do not know what freedom really is.
Canada is a business and the business of Canada is to govern the citizens and manage the affairs of the people. It is not something we are born into it is something we join of our own free will. Being born with political associations means you are born into slavery no matter how you feel about the political system. You may love Canada but to force the association of Canada onto another is wrong. You are an Original born on this land and Canada is a political association owned by a foreigner that sits on a throne overseas. The laws of Canada are nothing more than corporate policies that only apply to those who wilfully give their lives to the Queen, are employees of Canada and have surrendered power of attorney over their own lives by voting in a corrupt democracy.
Are you a Canadian citizen? Do you fully understand what that means? Have you ever read the citizenship oath? I seriously encourage you to look it up because if you claim to be a Canadian citizen the oath applies to you. It's not just for foreigners who wish to become Canadian it applies to all citizens. You don't need to speak it out loud because it is assumed you know what being a citizen entails. If they had every Original Native of North America swear an oath to the Queen people may wake up and tell her to get the hell off of our land. Being a Canadian citizen means you have sworn your life to the Queen and she literally owns you. You swear to abide all the laws of Canada no matter how immoral or unjust they are. It means you are a willing slave that has exchanged your God given unalienable rights for benefits and privileges in a society created by Man.
Swearing your life to the Queen through citizenship is just the beginning. Then they trick us into becoming an employee of Canada. If you are a taxpayer you are a government employee. You do this by operating under the birth certificate. Most people think the birth certificate represents them but they are wrong. Who created the birth certificate? Whose signatures are on it? Who authored it? The government of Canada created the birth certificate, it has government signatures on it, they authored it which makes them the authorities over it. The birth certificate is a franchise of the corporation of Canada. It is a corporation with an imitation of your name on it spelled in all capital letters. When you accept the birth certificate and wilfully act under it by applying for a Social Insurance Number you are now working for the government. You are a government agent. This means you have wilfully applied for the job and agree to play by the rules or suffer the consequences. This is exactly like someone applying for a job to work as a cook in a restaurant. While working in the kitchen you must obey the rules made by the owners or you will get in trouble. This is an agreement of the parties where you wilfully surrender your God given rights to belong to a system where others have authority over you. They authored the business of the restaurant which makes them the authorities just as the Queen holds the rights of the author of Canada making her the ultimate authority.
The third way we are kept wilfull slaves is the democracy. This is nothing more then a distraction meant to keep us fighting each other and keep us thinking we can make things better if we vote. Politicians do not serve the people they serve the corporation. It does not matter if you are left wing or right wing because they belong to the same beast and are going in the same direction. The direction they are taking us in is a totalitarian world government that will enslave the entire planet.
The democracy, being a taxpayer and becoming a citizen. This is the trinity of trickery they have used to enslave us all. They have tricked us all into wilfully giving up our freedoms and our very lives to someone who resides overseas and claims to be royalty. What does it mean to be Canadian? It means you are a slave.
For more information on this topic find my book “The Original Natives Guide To Freedom – The Rights Of The One Outweigh The Will Of The Many” by Patrick Westley Devlin. It can be found on and is available as a kindle download.