
prince: can you give us 10 min. per day, 6 days a week helping us spread Adam's book across the internet? I assume you have read it, or listened to it. Yes?

Yes, I can.
But say details please??

Well, not to create any false hope sphere(s) of delusion, I don't think there will be 34% of America who will agree with Adam's prescription of noFedGov in 2020, (especially with so many previously "limited government" types falling for the MAGA WWE-style orchestration), however I can certainly see the advent of 15% of adults saying they like the libertarian presentation enough, to a point where it should be on the same stage with the jackass and elephant in the presidential debates. That is the polling numbers which will get Adam there. With Blockchain we can assure NO RIGGING of those poll numbers. That being said, we need to build "Adam's Army" of folks who read or listened to the book, and are willing to write an appraisal of it... for better or worse and email it back. We need you to work your social circles and simply ask each person to at least hear the audio version up to the 8:05 mark, the point at which he can make an intelligent decision as to whether or not he wants to finish it... When you get to 3 people willing to do what I am asking of you, then you help the 3 people you attained do the same, below him. Simple. No money involved. Simple use of this UNCENSORED, UNLICENSED internet for the mere cost of your time. What sayeth?

Here's the link.

[email protected] Anyone. Anytime. Send me your appraisal and commentary on any part, or the whole book. The goal is to attain 1million adults in this "army".

Where are you located, prince?

This is awesome! You're going to love what I'll be posting about the book on Monday. I have a plan to make national news with FREEDOM!

oh no!!! He's gonna go back to that spot where he shot the shotGun in WDC to get arrested, and this time, walk around naked like those chickies on the NH beaches loving their nipples, on camera with a bullhorn giving out books! Here we go..........

Otherwise, I hope I will love it... because, I don't care how we cut this stinky cheeeeeze, if we can't get our man on the debate stage, running for president is a waste of time; no one takes him seriously... and we continue to suffer like hell over the "wasted vote syndrome", to the point of abject, eternal anonymity.

If we fail here, I'd rather just see you run for governor of NH with the same plan of decentralizing that state into 400 or so "districts" (whatever the amount of stateHouse reps are there). NO ONE IN A STATE OF 1.3 million which you can literally walk across in a week, can ignore you. Or if you are so disposed to "out west", we work MT or WY with the same plan. Both states only have around 1/2 million population. There has got to be other libertarians across America besides me who ARE SICK AND PHUQUIN' TIRED OF LOSING ALL THE TIME TO JACKASSES AND DUMB-AS-ALL-PHUQUE ELEPHANTS. eh?

So. DON'T FAIL, SEMPER FI JAR-HEAD! Let's work together to find 1 million adults who have read or listened to the book, and have convinced 3 of their friends to do the same... offering YOU written appraisal of the work, ON THE RECORD... with some sort of affidavit attached, where they will claim support of your candidacy. 3million should poll high enough to enter that dungeon.

Do you realize how friggin' stupid you will make Okrah and The Donald look??!!!