This really resonates with me. Personally I feel I can always go back to the rat race and live comfortably, but while still being relatively young I am going to choose higher risk/reward payoffs while I still have the opportunity to recoup losses in the future.
Good thinking! If baseline is livable..why not try out more high risk stuff? Thats the short version of the post I suppose.
A good thing to do is to sort out what makes your life great first. If you find out that exercise, trips, spending time with family, cooking a great meal, watching cryptoshows and hanging out on Steemit while drinking a glass of wine without nesecerailly having to go to work the next day..if..that's how you love to live your really don't need 50 million USD to do that. You don't even need 100k to do that. You only need a baseline that is taken take of at what I consider a minimum for an adult (30+ age) which is fully or partly paid off mortgage and low expenses.