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in #freedom9 years ago (edited)

The majority of police are low I.Q . people who "just follow orders". They are "ordered" to enforce (unlawfully I might add) maritime/admiralty law which is commercial contract law and is wholly superseded by Common Law (still the ACTUAL law of the land) The costumed frauds we today call Police are not and can never be "public servants" as long as they are contracted employees of a corporation, as this.... places them in a clear conflict of interest. and they ALL are card carrying corporate employees (the reason they are never held accountable for their criminal acts), Meaning they are not "police" at all but corporate policy enforcers and they can not morally or lawfully enforce those policies without a signed contract which removes those they are taking action against from the protection Common Law affords and binds them to operate under those policies ... They are in fact impostors posing as police officers... This is known as operating under the "color of law" which is illegal AND unlawful. The only true "authority" they wield ... comes out of the barrel of their guns. Same as any criminal gang and they need to be treated as such. Like govspiders says here... they are PURPOSELY never taught anything about "law" they are simply trained (brainwashed) with procedures to the point where they couldn't stop and look at any given situation objectively and weigh the morality of it if they tried... So what do we do.? Do we allow this to continue because it's too dangerous, frightening or inconvenient to stop them? Or do we as a people rise up and put a stop to our entire society being put under the yoke of a criminal gang?? I would hope that once enough people become aware of the truth of what I have said here... The latter will be the case... But only time will tell... As frightening as it is... The fact is ... No tyrannical organization has EVER in the history of our planet EVER peaceably given up it's ability to continue it's tyrannical practices.. Not even once. Nope... The only AND I MEAN ONLY time freedom/liberty has been regained from those who would be tyrants (which our corporate governments and their corporate policy enforcement agents are without question) It has been taken from the tyrants by force. The "criminals acting as police" have already spilled plenty of innocent blood just putting that yoke across the shoulders of the people... and will continue to do so to keep it firmly in place...So... bloodshed... is unavoidable... it will be spilled either way... The real question is will it flow from the veins of the people only...while we toil under that yolk of tyrannical and unlawful oppression... or will the blood be spilled on both sides in an effort to give our children and grand children freedom from these criminal tyrants? Personally... I'd rather die in an effort to free myself and future generations of these tyrants and criminals.