
I am hopeful that I can just let my SP accumulated here sit and "ride" for years and years. Time will tell how "sturdy" Steem and Steemit really are.

I do believe SteemIt and Steem are going to last. There is value here that can withstand some competition. Real competition may instigate some behavior changes, but Steem will probably have to lose some value first. (hopefully a rising crypto tide will float Steem as well, but if it's price lags other currencies, people might change behavior to support the overall value instead of taking selfish profit as quickly as is currently happening). IMO curators like you, motivated by desire to write above desire to take quick profits, will continue using SteemIt. Our current issue- SteemIt being used as a faucet for instant cash flow - will be worked out, allowing Steemit to become what was originally intended in the white paper. Some scamming will always be present, but hopefully at a much smaller scale.